


GpaStatus GpaGetFuncTable(
    void* gpa_func_table);


Gets the GPA API function table. gpa_func_table is both an input and output parameter, whose type is GpaFunctionTable*. Prior to calling this function the major_version and minor_version should be set by the caller. When compiling in C++ mode, these will be set automatically. When compiling in C mode, they will need to be set manually to GPA_FUNCTION_TABLE_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER and GPA_FUNCTION_TABLE_MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER, respectively. After execution of this function, the major_version and minor_version members will be set to the major and minor version of the GPUPerfAPI library that is loaded. If the versions are determined to be incompatible, the function will return an error.

The minor version of the function table is calculated as the size of the function table structure. This allows for additional functions to be added to the end of the table in future versions, while still maintaining backwards-compatibility. If the minor version number specified by the caller is lower than the minor version number of the GPUPerfAPI library, GPA_GetFuncTable will assign the function pointers of the input structure up to the size of the structure (as specified by the minor version). The caller can detect this situation by checking the value of minor_version after successful execution. If the value is larger than the original value, the caller can infer that the version of the GPUPerfAPI library loaded has some additional API functions available that were not present in older versions of the library. The caller can recompile using the newer GPUPerfAPI header files to gain access to the new functions.

If non-backwards compatible changes are ever made in a new version of GPUPerfAPI, the major version of the API table will be incremented. Examples of non-backwards compatible changes would be removal of a public function or changing the signature of a public function. In the case where the major version number specified by the caller differs from the major version number of the GPUPerfAPI library, this function will set the major_version member to the major version of the GPUPerfAPI library that was loaded and return an error.





Pointer to the GPA function table structure.

Return value

Return value



The function table was successfully retrieved.


The supplied gpa_func_table parameter is NULL.


The major version specified by the caller is different from the major version of the GPUPerfAPI library that was loaded.


The minor version specified by the caller is greater than the major version of the GPUPerfAPI library that was loaded.


Exception occurred.