Welcome to GPUPerfAPI’s documentation!
- Introduction
- Usage
- Transitioning from GPA 3.x to 4.0
- Loading the GPUPerfAPI Library
- Registering a Logging Callback
- Initializing and Destroying a GPUPerfAPI Instance
- Opening and Closing a Context
- Querying a Context and Sample Types
- Creating and Using a Session
- Enabling Counters on a Session
- Querying Enabled Counters and Counter Scheduling
- Creating and Managing Samples
- Querying Results
- Displaying Status/Error
- Multi-pass Counter Collection
- Specific Usage Note for Vulkan
- Specific Usage Note for Bundles (DirectX 12) and Secondary Command Buffers (Vulkan)
- Specific Usage Note for Samples that Start and End on Different Command Lists
- Deploying GPUPerfAPI
- Performance Counters
- API Reference
- Functions
- GpaBeginCommandList
- GpaBeginSample
- GpaBeginSession
- GpaCloseContext
- GpaContinueSampleOnCommandList
- GpaCopySecondarySamples
- GpaCreateSession
- GpaDeleteSession
- GpaDestroy
- GpaDisableAllCounters
- GpaDisableCounter
- GpaDisableCounterByName
- GpaEnableAllCounters
- GpaEnableCounter
- GpaEnableCounterByName
- GpaEndCommandList
- GpaEndSample
- GpaEndSession
- GpaGetCounterDataType
- GpaGetCounterDescription
- GpaGetCounterGroup
- GpaGetCounterIndex
- GpaGetCounterName
- GpaGetCounterSampleType
- GpaGetCounterUsageType
- GpaGetCounterUuid
- GpaGetDataTypeAsStr
- GpaGetDeviceAndRevisionId
- GpaGetDeviceGeneration
- GpaGetDeviceName
- GpaGetEnabledIndex
- GpaGetFuncTable
- GpaGetNumCounters
- GpaGetNumEnabledCounters
- GpaGetPassCount
- GpaGetSampleCount
- GpaGetSampleId
- GpaGetSampleResult
- GpaGetSampleResultSize
- GpaGetStatusAsStr
- GpaGetSupportedSampleTypes
- GpaGetUsageTypeAsStr
- GpaGetVersion
- GpaInitialize
- GpaIsCounterEnabled
- GpaIsPassComplete
- GpaIsSessionComplete
- GpaOpenContext
- GpaRegisterLoggingCallback
- Types
- Functions