Radeon™ ProRender SDK 3.1.3 introduces Python binding support


In the new release of Radeon™ ProRender SDK 3.1.3 we have introduced an easy Python binding to the API. This is an important step in order to grow the ProRender ecosystem and make it more accessible to new kinds of projects.

You can find an example Python script on the Radeon™ ProRender SDK GitHub repo which demonstrates how to execute some basic renderings with ProRender.

Technical details of how to create the binding as well as how to run it can be found in the readme in the same repo. It’s a quick and easy process!

We hope this feature will be well-received and we are happy to help if you have any issues or general feedback.

Picture of Richard Geslot
Richard Geslot

Richard Geslot is a software engineer in Advanced Rendering Research (ARR) group where he works on graphics projects such as Radeon ProRender.

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