AMD Device Library eXtra
ADLX Developer Documentation
AMD Device Library eXtra (ADLX) is AMD’s application programming interface (API) library for Microsoft Windows® based driver configuration. The ADLX API is a programming interface designed to allow software applications communicate directly with AMD hardware and access their resources.
This document includes detailed information on the API’s programming interfaces, helpers, functions, types, as well as code samples and usage scenarios to help developers get started. The document also includes information on system requirements, bindings development, and advanced configurations to help developers overcome common issues when integrating the API.
ADLX Programming Guide
ADLX Programming Guide contains information for developers to get started, such as hardware and software requirements, the minimum-supported operating system versions, and a Quick Start guide with instructions on how to build applications in each of the supported programming languages.
ADLX Samples
ADLX Samples provides code samples in C, C++, C#, Java, and Python to demonstrate ADLX functionality usage scenarios in basic applications to help developers get started quickly.
ADLX SDK References
ADLX SDK References provides descriptions for all ADLX programming aspects such as helpers, functions, interfaces (with their respective methods) and ADLX data types.
For more information on AMD Graphics and related SDKs, visit AMD GPUOpen.