
A structure containing all the counters used by the Brixelizer context. These can be read back from the context after processing each update for analysis. brickCount gives the total number of bricks allocated. dirtyBricks gives the total number of bricks requiring an eikonal pass for completion. freeBricks gives the total number of free bricks. This is the maximum number of bricks which can be allocated within a frame. clearBricks gives the total number of bricks to be cleared in a frame. Bricks are cleared by having all distance values reset to 1. mergeBricks gives the total number of bricks to be merged in a frame. numDebugAABBs gives the total number of debug AABBs requested to be drawn in a debug visualization.

File location: sdk/include/FidelityFX/gpu/brixelizer/ffx_brixelizer_host_gpu_shared.h