The Radeon Developer Service

Two versions of the Radeon developer service are provided, one with a configuration UI and system tray icon, and one designed for use with headless GPU system where no UI can be supported.

Radeon Developer Service for desktop developer system

RadeonDeveloperService(.exe) – Can be used for general use where the system has a monitor and UI (e.g. desktop development machines). The Radeon Developer Service includes a configuration window containing basic service configuration settings and software info. Double click the Radeon Developer Service system tray icon to open the configuration window, or right-click on the system tray icon and select ‘configure’ from the context menu.


  • Listen port – The port that the Radeon Developer Service uses to listen for incoming connections from a remote Radeon Developer Panel. The default port is 27300. Altering the port will disconnect all existing sessions. The circular arrows icon to the right of the Listen port field can be clicked to reset the port to the default value.

  • Version info – Software version information for the Radeon Developer Service.

Double click the Radeon Developer Service system tray icon again or right-click on the system tray icon and select ‘configure’ from the context menu to close the configuration window.


When running both the Radeon Developer Panel and the Radeon Developer Service on the same system the communication between the two uses pipes, not sockets and ports, so setting the port has no effect.

Radeon Developer Service for headless GPU systems

RadeonDeveloperServiceCLI(.exe) – Command line version for use with headless GPU systems where no UI can be provided. This version can also run on a system that has a monitor and UI.

The following command line options are available for RadeonDeveloperServiceCLI:

  1. – port <port number> Overrides the default listener port used by the service (27300 is the default).


The service will need to be explicitly started before starting the Radeon Developer Panel. If the service isn’t running, the Radeon Developer Panel will automatically start the UI version of the Radeon Developer Service, which may not be what is required.