Search Results for: liquidvr


LiquidVR™ provides a Direct3D 11 based interface for applications to get access to the following GPU features regardless of whether a VR device is installed on a system.

GPUOpen Manuals

Presentations and manuals

Don’t miss our manual documentation! And if slide decks are what you’re after, you’ll find 100+ of our finest presentations here.

AMD GPUOpen documentation


Explore our huge collection of detailed tutorials, sample code, presentations, and documentation to find answers to your graphics development questions.

AMD GPUOpen developer SDKs


Discover what our SDK technologies can offer you. Query hardware or software, manage memory, create rendering applications or machine learning, and much more!

AMD GPUOpen software blogs

Software release blogs

Our handy software release blogs will help you make good use of our tools, SDKs, and effects, as well as sharing the latest features with new releases.

AMD GPUOpen events


Come see us in person! Or the next best thing – enjoy our large library of presentations from various developer events.

The Importance of Audio in VR

The AMD TrueAudio Next open-source library and driver-controlled CU Reservation enables dramatically higher levels of audio rendering realism in VR.