OCAT documentation

If you want to know how well a game is performing on your machine in real-time with low overhead, Open Capture and Analysis Tool (OCAT) has you covered.

OCAT supports all major APIs on Windows® – Direct3D® 11, 12 and Vulkan® – and can show an in-game overlay with the current frame rate to give you an at-a-glance overview of instantaneous performance.

That’s good enough for a top level view, but OCAT doesn’t stop there. It also has a detailed analysis mode based on Intel’s excellent PresentMon library, which provides you with in-depth historical data captured across multiple frames, which you can look at offline to get a deeper insight into the runtime performance of games and applications on your system.

OCAT is fully open source and consists of several parts: the user interface, the analysis back-end, and the in-game overlays. You can trigger statistics recording via a hotkey, and you can configure OCAT to avoid drawing the framerate overlay on applications that might be using the GPU but aren’t games, like browsers.

Documentation overview