Class AAbstractScholaEnvironment
- class AAbstractScholaEnvironment : public AActor
An abstract class representing an environment.
Subclassed by ABlueprintScholaEnvironment
Public Functions
- void RegisterAgent(AAbstractTrainer *Agent)
Register an individual agent with the environment.
Called after the environment is initialized.
- Parameters:
Agent – The agent to register
- inline virtual void RegisterAgents(TArray<APawn*> &OutAgentControlledPawnArray)
Register a list of agents with the environment, from a list of pawns with associated agents.
Called after the environment is initialized.
- Parameters:
OutAgentControlledPawnArray – An array of pawns in the environment that are controlled by agents
- void Initialize()
Collects all the AgentObjects from their pawns and then initializes them.
Must be called after play begins. Calls InitializeEnvironment and RegisterAgents.
- void RetrieveUtilityComponents()
Retrieve all the utility components from the environment.
Called after the environment is initialized.
- void PopulateAgentStatePointers(FSharedEnvironmentState &OutAgentStatePointers)
Used on initialization to populate the AgentStateMapping with the AgentStates pointers.
- Parameters:
OutAgentStatePointers – [out] A shared state structure that will be populated with the agent state pointers.
- void PopulateAgentDefinitionPointers(FSharedEnvironmentDefinition &OutEnvDefn)
Used on initialization to populate the AgentDefinitionMapping with the AgentDefinition pointers.
- Parameters:
OutEnvDefn – [out] A shared environment definition structure that will be populated with the agent definition pointers.
- int GetNumAgents()
Get the number of agents registered to this environment.
- Returns:
The Number of Agents registered to this environment
- FVector GetEnvironmentCenterPoint()
Convenience function to get the centerpoint of the environment for resetting agents.
- Returns:
an FVector representation of the center of this environment
- inline virtual void ResetEnvironment()
Reset the environment.
Note that this does not reset the agent state.
Subclasses should implement this method to add logic that runs when the environment is reset
- inline virtual void InitializeEnvironment()
Perform any environment setup like initializing variables, or binding delegates.
Occurs before Register Agents.
- void AllAgentsThink()
Perform a think step for all agents in the environment.
Collects observations and sends them to the agents.
- void AllAgentsAct(const FEnvStep &EnvUpdate)
Perform an act step for all agents in the environment.
Acts on any decisions from the brains
- Parameters:
EnvUpdate – [in] The environment update to act on
- void SetEnvId(int EnvironmentId)
Set the Id of this environment.
Called when Registering with the subsystem.
- Parameters:
EnvironmentId – [in] The Id of the environment
- void UpdateStatus(EEnvironmentStatus NewStatus)
Set the status of this environment to the given status.
- Parameters:
NewStatus – [in] The new status of the environment
- EEnvironmentStatus GetStatus()
Get the current status of this environment.
- Returns:
The status of the environment
- inline virtual void SetEnvironmentOptions(const TMap<FString, FString> &Options)
Configure this environment based on arbitrary Options from the GymConnector.
Called immediately before the environment is reset, if the gym connector has Options.
- Parameters:
Options – [in] A map of options to configure the environment with
Public Members
- TArray<UAbstractEnvironmentUtilityComponent*> UtilityComponents
A list of utility components that can be used to add additional behaviour such as logging or data collection.