Class AAbstractTrainer

class AAbstractTrainer : public AController

An abstract class representing a controller that trains an NPC using Reinforcement Learning.


This class is designed to be subclassed in C++ or Blueprint to implement the specific training logic for an NPC.


This class is designed to be used in conjunction with the AbstractEnvironment class.

Subclassed by ABlueprintTrainer

Public Functions


Construct a new AAbstractTrainer object.

bool Initialize(int EnvId, int AgentId)

Initialize this agent after play has begun.

  • EnvId[in] The ID of the environment this agent is in.

  • AgentId[in] The ID of this agent in the environment.

inline virtual float ComputeReward()

Collect a reward from the agent’s immediate environment.


This function must be implemented by a subclass.


float representing the agents reward

inline virtual EAgentTrainingStatus ComputeStatus()

Check if agent is in a terminal state.


This function must be implemented by a subclass.


The status of the agent which informs whether it is still running, or why it stopped.

inline virtual void GetInfo(TMap<FString, FString> &Info)

Get the Info output of the agent.


Info[out] A mapping representing non-observation details about the environment.

EAgentTrainingStatus GetTrainingStatus()

Get the last computed training status.


The last computed training status.

ETrainingMsgStatus GetTrainingMsgStatus()

Get whether the agent has finished, and if it has sent a final state update noting that it is finished.


An enum tracking whether the environment has sent a final state update after ending.

void SetTrainingStatus(EAgentTrainingStatus NewStatus)

Set the Agent’s Training Status.


NewStatus[in] The new status to set

void SetTrainingMsgStatus(ETrainingMsgStatus NewStatus)

Set the Agent’s Training Message Status.


NewStatus[in] The new status to set

bool IsDone() const

Does this agent need resetting (either Truncated or Complete)


true iff the agent needs resetting

void Reset()

Reset the agent.

Collect initial observations of the environment after resetting in the process.

inline virtual void ResetTrainer()

Reset any per Episode properties of this Trainer.


This function must be implemented by a subclass.

inline void IncrementStep()

increment the step count for this episode.

This is used to determine when to request a new action from the brain.

inline void ResetStep()

Reset the step count to 0.

This is used to determine when to request a new action from the brain.

virtual bool IsDecisionStep(int StepToCheck)

Check whether a specific step will require a brain decision.


StepToCheck – the timestep to check


true iff the agent should be requesting a decision

virtual bool IsDecisionStep()

If the current step is a decision step, as defined by the step frequency.


true iff the current step is a decision step

virtual bool IsActionStep()

Check if brain has an action, and it’s an action step.


true iff the agent should take an action this step

void Act(const FAction &Action)

The Agent retrieves an action from the brain before taking it.


Action[in] The action to take

FTrainerState Think()

Update the state of the agent.

This checks if the agent is done, what it’s reward should be and does any observation collection before requesting a decision


The state of the agent after the update

bool IsRunning()

Check with brain if can act and set agent state accordingly.


The state of the agent after the update

Public Members

FTrainerState State = FTrainerState()

The current state of the agent.

UInteractionManager *InteractionManager = CreateDefaultSubobject<UInteractionManager>(TEXT(“InteractionManager”))

An Object for managing the Interactions of the agent and the environment.

TArray<UAbstractObserver*> Observers

List of observers that collect observations for the agent.

TArray<UActuator*> Actuators

List of actuators that execute actions for the agent.

EValidationType Validation = EValidationType::FAIL

The type of validation to perform on this agent.

Fail means agent is skipped on any error. Warning means just warn about non-fatal errors. Set to No Validation to skip validation

bool bTakeActionBetweenDecisions = true

If true the agent will repeat its last action each step between decision requests.

int Step = 0

The current step of the agent.

bool bUseCustomName = false

The name of the agent, used for logging, and grouping agents in rllib.

FString Name

The name of the agent, used for logging, and grouping agents in rllib.

int DecisionRequestFrequency = 5

The number of steps between requests for new actions.

If this is different across agents it may cause issues training in some frameworks (e.g. Stable Baselines 3).

bool bAbstractSettingsVisibility = true

Whether settings in this class are visible in the editor for child classes.

Set to False to hide those settings.

FTrainerDefinition TrainerDefn

The definition of the agent.

Related pages

  • Visit the Schola product page for download links and more information.

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