Class PollingRPCBackend
template<class ServiceType, typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
class PollingRPCBackend : public RPCBackend<ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType>, public IPollingBackendInterface<RequestType> -
Public Functions
- inline PollingRPCBackend(RPCBackend::AsyncRPCHandle TargetRPC, std::shared_ptr<ServiceType> Service, std::unique_ptr<ServerCompletionQueue> CQueue)
- inline virtual TOptional<const RequestType*> Poll() override
Poll the Backend for a message from the client.
This function should be non-blocking
- Returns:
An Empty optional if No messages have been received, a fulfilled one otherwise
- inline virtual void Initialize()
Perform any setup that happens prior to establishing any external connection.
this could include opening a socket and waiting for a connection.