Class UBoxObserver
- class UBoxObserver : public UAbstractObserver
An observer that collects box(continuous) observations about the environment state.
This class is abstract and should be derived from to implement the CollectObservations and GetObservationSpace functions.
Subclassed by UBlueprintBoxObserver, UDebugBoxObserver, UPositionObserver, URayCastObserver, URotationObserver, UVelocityObserver
Public Functions
- inline UBoxObserver()
Create a new instance of UBoxObserver.
- inline virtual FBoxSpace GetObservationSpace() const
Get the BoxSpace bounding the outputs of this sensor.
This function should be implemented by any derived classes
- Returns:
The ObservationSpace bounding the outputs of this sensor.
- inline virtual void CollectObservations(FBoxPoint &OutObservations)
Use this sensor to collect observations about the environment state.
This function should be implemented by any derived classes
- Parameters:
OutObservations – [out] DataPoint that will be updated with the outputs of this sensor.
- inline virtual void CollectObservations(TPoint &OutObservations) override
Use this sensor to collect observations about the environment state.
This function should be implemented by any derived classes
- Parameters:
OutObservations – – DataPoint that will be updated with the outputs of this sensor.