Class UInteractionManager
- class UInteractionManager : public UObject
Public Functions
- void SetupObservers(const TArray<UAbstractObserver*> &InObservers, TArray<UAbstractObserver*> &OutObservers)
Setup the observers for this interaction manager.
- Parameters:
InObservers – [in] The observers to setup
OutObservers – [out] A copy of the input observers (used to set the Observers on the InteractionManager)
- void CollectObservationsFromObservers(const TArray<UAbstractObserver*> &InObservers, FDictPoint &OutObservationsMap)
Collect observations from the observers.
- Parameters:
InObservers – [in] The observers to collect observations from
OutObservationsMap – [out] The collected observations
- void CollectObservationSpaceFromObservers(const TArray<UAbstractObserver*> &InObservers, FDictSpace &OutSpaceGroups)
Collect observation spaces from a List of Observers.
- Parameters:
InObservers – [in] The observers to collect observation spaces from
OutSpaceGroups – [out] The collected observation spaces
- void SetupActuators(const TArray<UActuator*> &InActuators, TArray<UActuator*> &OutActuators)
Setup the actuators for this interaction manager.
- Parameters:
InActuators – [in] The actuators to setup
OutActuators – [out] A copy of the input actuators (used to set the Actuators on the InteractionManager)
- void SendActionsToActuators(TArray<UActuator*> &OutActuators, const FDictPoint &Actions)
Send actions to actuators.
- Parameters:
OutActuators – [in] The actuators to send actions to
Actions – [in] The actions to send
- void CollectActionSpaceFromActuators(const TArray<UActuator*> &InActuators, FDictSpace &OutSpaceGroups)
Collect action spaces from a List of Actuators.
- Parameters:
InActuators – [in] The actuators to collect action spaces from
OutSpaceGroups – [out] The collected action spaces
- void Initialize(TArray<UAbstractObserver*> &InObservers, TArray<UActuator*> &InActuators)
Initialize the InteractionManager, from a list of observers and actuators.
- Parameters:
InObservers – [in] The observers that will be managed, and initialized
InActuators – [in] The actuators that will be managed, and initialized
- void DistributeActions(const FDictPoint &ActionMap)
Distribute Actions to the actuators.
- Parameters:
ActionMap – [in] The actions to distribute
- FDictPoint &AggregateObservations()
Collect Observations from the observers.
- Returns:
The aggregated observations as DictPoint
Public Members
- TArray<UAbstractObserver*> Observers
- TArray<UActuator*> Actuators
- FDictPoint Observations
The most recently collected observations.
- FInteractionDefinition InteractionDefn
The input output spaces, and other information for this interaction manager.