Class UTeleportActuator
- class UTeleportActuator : public UDiscreteActuator
Public Functions
- virtual FDiscreteSpace GetActionSpace() override
Get the Space bounding the inputs to this actuator.
This function must be implemented in the derived class.
- Returns:
DiscreteSpace containing the bounds of the inputs to this actuator
- FVector ConvertActionToFVector(const FDiscretePoint &Action)
Convert a Discrete Point with 3 values to an FVector.
- Parameters:
Action – [in] DiscretePoint that will be converted
- Returns:
FVector containing the converted DiscretePoint
- float GetVectorDimension(int Speed, int DiscretePointValue)
Get the magnitude of movement based on the value of a singular.
- Parameters:
Speed – [in] The speed of the teleportaiton Actuator
DiscretePointValue – [in] The value of the DiscretePoint, to check for forward, backward, or no movement
- Returns:
The magnitude of the movement, multiplied by the direction
- virtual void TakeAction(const FDiscretePoint &Action) override
Use this actuator to take an action impacting the world.
This function must be implemented in the derived class.
- Parameters:
Action – [in] DiscretePoint containing the inputs to this actuator
Public Members
- bool bHasXDimension = true
Toggle for whether this actuator teleports the Agent along the X dimension.
- bool bHasZDimension = true
Toggle for whether this actuator teleports the Agent along the Z dimension.
- bool bHasYDimension = true
Toggle for whether this actuator teleports the Agent along the Y dimension.
- FOnTeleportSignature OnTeleportDelegate
A delegate invoked when this actuator receives input from a brain.
- ETeleportType TeleportType = ETeleportType::None
Type of teleportation to use.
See SetActorLocation documentation for more details.