Getting Started with Schola

Install Prerequisites


While other Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) can be used, Visual Studio Code is recommended along with the C/C++ Extension Pack. Please see the Unreal Engine documentation for more information.

Install Schola

  1. Add Schola to a project as an Unreal Engine Plugin, either by downloading the source, or via git.

    1. Create a folder named Schola in the Plugins folder of your Unreal Engine project.

    2. Download the zipped source code from the Schola Repository

    3. Unzip the repository. Copy the contents of the Schola folder to the Schola folder you created in your project.


    If you experience an error installing the repository with git due to a large file sizes, run the following command to increase the git buffer size:


    git config –global http.postBuffer 524288000

  2. Install the schola python package from /Resources/python.


    pip install ./Plugins/Schola/Resources/python[all]

  3. Launch your project as normal in Unreal Engine. You should see the Schola plugin in the Plugins section of the project settings.

Building Schola from source (Optional)

Schola comes bundled with all of its c++ dependencies already. However, if you want to use a different version of a dependency, or unreal engine you may build them from source.

Building gRPC from source for Schola

  1. Install Prerequisites

    • Ubuntu 22.04 (22.04.4 Desktop x86 64-bit is recommended for reproducibility)

    • Unreal Engine (5.4.4 is recommended for reproducibility)

    • Python 3.9 (3.9.19 is recommended for reproducibility)


    While other Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) can be used, Visual Studio Code is recommended along with the C/C++ Extension Pack. Please see the Unreal Engine documentation for more information.

  2. Build gRPC using the scripts in /Resources/Build, by running the following from the Plugin Root Dir


    # Install Required Packages for Running the Build Script
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt-get -y install cmake git automake autoconf libtool-bin pkg-config build-essential
    # Change this to your Unreal Engine path
    export UE_ROOT
    bash ./Resources/Build/


    You may need to manually update libtool-bin as old versions of libtool-bin` may cause errors during install.

Regenerated Protobuf and gRPC Code

  1. Follow the steps in the Building Schola from source section to build gRPC from source, and get an up to date version of protoc.exe.

  2. Run the following command to regenerate the protobuf and gRPC code.


    python schola-build-proto --plugin-folder . --add-type-stubs


    The –add-type-stubs flag is optional and will generate .pyi files for the generated code. This is useful for IDEs that support type stubs for better code completion. However, not all protobuf/gRPC features are supported in the .pyi files. If you encounter issues when generating try running without the flag.

Related pages

  • Visit the Schola product page for download links and more information.

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