Radeon™ Developer Panel

The Radeon Developer Panel is part of a suite of tools that can be used by developers to optimize DirectX® 12, Vulkan®, OpenCL™ and HIP applications for AMD RDNA™ hardware. The suite is comprised of the following software:

  • Radeon Developer Mode Driver – This is shipped as part of the AMD public driver and supports the developer mode features required for profiling and debugging.

  • Radeon Developer Service (RDS) – A system tray application that unlocks the Developer Mode Driver features and supports communications with high level tools.

  • Radeon Developer Service – CLI (Headless RDS) – A console (i.e. non-GUI) application that unlocks the Developer Mode Driver features and supports communication with high level tools.

  • Radeon Developer Panel (RDP) – A GUI application that allows the developer to configure driver settings and generate profiles from DirectX12, Vulkan, OpenCL and HIP applications.

  • Radeon GPU Profiler (RGP) – A GUI tool used to visualize and analyze the profile data.

  • Radeon GPU Detective (RGD) – A command line tool that assists developers in post-mortem analysis of GPU crashes.

  • Radeon Memory Visualizer (RMV) – A GUI tool used to visualize and analyze the memory trace data.

  • Radeon Raytracing Analyzer (RRA) – A GUI tool used to visualize and analyze the raytracing data.

    This document describes how the Radeon Developer Panel can be used to capture a profile, memory trace or a raytracing scene for an application on AMD RDNA graphics hardware. The Radeon Developer Panel connects to the Radeon Developer Service in order to collect a profile, trace or scene.

    RGP documentation: https://gpuopen.com/manuals/rgp_manual/rgp_manual-index/

    RMV documentation: https://gpuopen.com/manuals/rmv_manual/rmv_manual-index/

    RRA documentation: https://gpuopen.com/manuals/rra_manual/rra_manual-index/

    RGD documentation: https://gpuopen.com/manuals/rgd_manual/rgd_manual-index/


By default, the driver allocates a maximum of 75 MB video memory per Shader Engine to capture RGP profiles. The driver allocates 300 MB video memory for the single shader engine with instruction tracing enabled. This can be configured in the capture settings.

Graphics APIs, RDNA hardware, and operating systems

Supported APIs

  • DirectX12

  • Vulkan

Supported RDNA hardware

  • AMD Radeon RX 7000 series

  • AMD Radeon RX 6000 series

  • AMD Radeon RX 5000 series

  • AMD Ryzen™ Processors with Radeon Graphics

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows® 10

  • Windows® 11

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Vulkan only)

  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Vulkan only)

Compute APIs, RDNA hardware, and operating systems

Supported APIs

  • OpenCL

  • HIP

Supported RDNA hardware

  • AMD Radeon RX 7000 series

  • AMD Radeon RX 6000 series

  • AMD Radeon RX 5000 series

  • AMD Ryzen Processors with Radeon Graphics

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows® 10

  • Windows® 11

Related pages

  • Visit the RDP product page for download links and more information.

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