The Radeon™ Raytracing Analyzer (RRA)

The Radeon Raytracing Analyzer is a tool designed to help developers improve the raytracing performance on AMD Radeon 6000 and 7000 series GPU’s. The tool focuses on the visualization of Acceleration Structures, which in our case consist of Bounding Volume Hierarchies. RRA allows the developer to visualize the bounding box hierarchies, and related scene geometries, to quickly identify issues with the bounding volume hierarchies, such as overlapping bounding volumes and sparse geometry layout within bounding volumes. Once identified, the developer can revisit their BVH generation strategy.

This document describes how the Radeon Raytracing Analyzer can be used to examine a bounding volume hierarchy.

Supported graphics APIs, RDNA hardware, and operating systems

Supported APIs

  • DirectX 12

  • Vulkan

Supported RDNA hardware

  • AMD Radeon RX 7000 series

  • AMD Radeon RX 6000 series

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows® 10

  • Windows® 11

  • Ubuntu® 22.04 LTS (Vulkan only)

  • Ubuntu® 24.04 LTS (Vulkan only)


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Vulkan and the Vulkan logo are registered trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc.

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