Class IValidatable
- class IValidatable
Public Functions
- virtual bool Validate(EValidationType ValidationType = EValidationType::FAIL) = 0
Validate the object.
- Parameters:
ValidationType – [in] The type of validation to perform when converting (e.g. do we warn or fail)
- inline virtual void OnWarn(FValidationResult WarnResult)
Callback to perform when validation results in a warning.
implement this function to handle validation warnings
- Parameters:
WarnResult – [in] The result of the validation
- inline virtual void OnFail(FValidationResult FailResult)
Callback to perform when validation results in a Failure.
implement this function to handle validation failures
- Parameters:
FailResult – [in] The result of the validation
- inline virtual void OnPass(FValidationResult SuccessResult)
Callback to perform when validation results in a Pass.
implement this function to handle validation passes
- Parameters:
SuccessResult – [in] The result of the validation
- inline EValidationResult GenerateValidatationResult(const FValidationResult Result)
Generate a validation result from a space validation result.
This function will call the appropriate callback based on the result
- Parameters:
Result – [in] The space validation result
- Returns:
the converted validation result