Class UMovementInputActuator
- class UMovementInputActuator : public UBoxActuator
Public Functions
- virtual FBoxSpace GetActionSpace() override
Get the Space bounding the inputs to this actuator.
This function must be implemented in the derived class.
- Returns:
BoxSpace containing the bounds of the inputs to this actuator
- FVector ConvertActionToFVector(const FBoxPoint &Action)
Convert a Box Point with 3 values to an FVector.
- Parameters:
Action – [in] BoxPoint that will be converted
- Returns:
FVector containing the converted BoxPoint
- virtual void TakeAction(const FBoxPoint &Action) override
Use this actuator to take an action impacting the world.
This function must be implemented in the derived class.
- Parameters:
Action – [in] BoxPoint containing the inputs to this actuator