Struct FScriptSettings
- struct FScriptSettings
All settings for autolaunching a script when starting the game.
Public Functions
- FFilePath GetScriptPath() const
Get the path to the script to run.
- Returns:
The path to the script to run
- FLaunchableScript GetLaunchableScript() const
Public Members
- EScriptType ScriptType = EScriptType::Python
The type of the script to run (e.g.
Python, or Other CLI script)
- EPythonEnvironmentType EnvType = EPythonEnvironmentType::Default
The Python environment to use when running a python script.
- EPythonScript PythonScriptType = EPythonScript::SB3
The type of python script to run, options are scripts builtin to Schola, or a user provided script.
- FCustomTrainingSettings CustomPythonScriptSettings
Settings to use when running a custom python script.
- FCustomTrainingSettings CustomScriptSettings
Settings to use when running a custom script.
- FSB3TrainingSettings SB3Settings
Settings to use when running the builtin SB3 script.
- FRLlibTrainingSettings RLlibSettings
Settings to use when running the builtin RLlib script.