We’re delighted that our Vulkan® Memory Allocator library is now available to install as an optional component in the latest Vulkan SDK (, making it even easier for developers to discover how handy it is.
The Vulkan Memory Allocator (VMA) SDK provides a simple and easy to integrate API to help you allocate memory for Vulkan buffer and image storage. It’s a generic C++ library which works on any Vulkan-supporting GPU and platform, and has no external dependencies beyond the standard C/C++ library and Vulkan.
VMA is an established and well-respected library, having been integrated into the majority of Vulkan game titles on PC, and is already a part of the official Khronos® Group Vulkan samples. If you’re not already using it, or you’re already a happy user who wants to find out more about it, you can take a look at our dedicated GPUOpen VMA page here:

Vulkan® Memory Allocator
VMA is our single-header, MIT-licensed, C++ library for easily and efficiently managing memory allocation for your Vulkan® games and applications.
Want to learn more about VMA and Vulkan memory management, or even Vulkan in general? Take a look at our other GPUOpen content:

Announcing Vulkan Memory Allocator 3.0.0 and Direct3D 12 Memory Allocator 2.0.0
Find out more about the latest releases of VMA and D3DMA – our easy-to-integrate memory allocation libraries for Vulkan® and Direct3D® 12.

Efficient Use of GPU Memory in Modern Games – Digital Dragons 2021
This Digital Dragons 2021 talk presents the current state of access to memory resources through the DirectX® 12 and Vulkan® APIs.

Memory Management in Vulkan® – YouTube link
This talk by AMD’s Ste Tovey discusses memory management with Vulkan® at Vulkanised 2018.

Developing Vulkan® applications
Discover our Vulkan blog posts, presentations, samples, and more. Find out how we can help you create and optimize your Vulkan applications!

Vulkan® gives software developers control over the performance, efficiency, and capabilities of AMD Radeon™ GPUs and multi-core CPUs.

Using Vulkan® Device Memory
This post serves as a guide on how to best use the various Memory Heaps & Memory Types exposed in Vulkan on AMD drivers, starting with some high-level tips.