Struct FBoxSpace
- struct FBoxSpace : public FSpace
A struct representing a box(continuous) space of possible observations or actions.
A BoxSpace is a Cartesian product of BoxSpaceDimensions. Each dimension is a continuous space.
Public Functions
- FBoxSpace(TArray<float> &Low, TArray<float> &High)
Construct a BoxSpace with the given bounds.
Low and High must have the same length
- Parameters:
Low – [in] An array representing the the lower bound of each dimension
High – [in] An array representing the the upper bound of each dimension
- FBoxSpace(TArray<FBoxSpaceDimension> &Dimensions)
Construct a BoxSpace with the given bounds.
- Parameters:
Dimensions – [in] An array of BoxSpaceDimensions
- void Copy(const FBoxSpace &Other)
Copy constructor.
- Parameters:
Other – [in] The BoxSpace to copy
- void Merge(const FBoxSpace &Other)
Merge another BoxSpace into this one.
- Parameters:
Other – [in] The BoxSpace to merge
- FBoxSpace GetNormalizedObservationSpace() const
Get the normalized version of this BoxSpace.
- Returns:
A BoxSpace with all dimensions normalized to [0, 1]
- void FillProtobuf(BoxSpace *Msg) const
Fill a protobuf message with the data from this BoxSpace.
- Parameters:
Msg – [in] A ptr to the protobuf message to fill
- void FillProtobuf(BoxSpace &Msg) const
Fill a protobuf message with the data from this BoxSpace.
- Parameters:
Msg – [in] A ref to the protobuf message to fill
- void Add(float Low, float High)
Add a dimension to this BoxSpace.
- Parameters:
Low – [in] The lower bound of the dimension
High – [in] The upper bound of the dimension
- void Add(const FBoxSpaceDimension &Dimension)
Add a dimension to this BoxSpace.
- Parameters:
Dimension – [in] The BoxSpaceDimension to add
- virtual void FillProtobuf(FundamentalSpace *Msg) const override
Fill a protobuf message with the data from this space.
- Parameters:
Msg – [in] The protobuf message to fill
- virtual int GetNumDimensions() const override
Get the number of dimensions in this space.
- Returns:
The number of dimensions in this space
- virtual ESpaceValidationResult Validate(TPoint &Observation) const override
Test if an observation is in this space.
- Parameters:
Observation – [in] The observation to validate
- Returns:
An enum indicating the result of the validation
- virtual int GetFlattenedSize() const override
Get the size of the flattened representation of this space.
- Returns:
The size of the flattened representation of this space
- virtual bool IsEmpty() const override
Check if this space is empty.
- Returns:
True if this space is empty, false otherwise
- virtual TPoint MakeTPoint() const override
Create a TPoint from this space.
- Returns:
A TPoint belonging to this space, with correctly set variant type.
- virtual void NormalizeObservation(TPoint &Observation) const
Normalize an observation in this space.
- Parameters:
Observation – [inout] The observation to normalize
Public Members
- TArray<FBoxSpaceDimension> Dimensions = TArray<FBoxSpaceDimension>()
The dimensions of this BoxSpace.