Source code for schola.core.utils


# Copyright (c) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Utility functions and classes for Schola.

from functools import cached_property, singledispatchmethod
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Dict, Iterable, Union

K = TypeVar("K")
V = TypeVar("V")
T = TypeVar("T")

# A generic recursive dictionary type
NestedDict = Dict[K,Union[V,"NestedDict[V]"]]

[docs] def nested_get(dct: NestedDict[K,V], keys : Iterable[K], default: V) -> V: """ Get a value from a nested dictionary, returning a default value if the key is not found. Parameters ---------- dct : NestedDict[K,V] The dictionary to search. keys : Iterable[K] The keys to search for in the dictionary. default : V The value to return if the key is not found. Returns ------- V The value found in the dictionary, or the default value if the key is not found. """ curr_dct = dct for key in keys: if key in curr_dct: curr_dct = curr_dct[key] else: return default return curr_dct
[docs] class IdManager: """ A class to manage the mapping between nested and flattened ids. Parameters ---------- ids : List[List[int]] A nested list of lists of ids to manage, index in the list is first id, second id is stored in the second list. Attributes ---------- ids : List[List[int]] The nested list of lists of ids to manage. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ids : List[List[int]]): self.ids = ids
[docs] def flatten_id_dict(self, nested_id_dict: Dict[int, Dict[int, T]], default:Optional[T]=None) -> List[T] : """ Flatten a dictionary of nested ids into a list of values. Parameters ---------- nested_id_dict : Dict[int, Dict[int, T]] The dictionary to flatten. default : Optional[T], optional The default value to use if a key is not found, by default None. Returns ------- List[T] A flattened list of the values found in the dictionary. """ output_list = [default for i in range(0, self.num_ids)] for first_id, nested_ids in nested_id_dict.items(): for second_id, value in nested_ids.items(): output_list[self.id_map[first_id][second_id]] = value return output_list
[docs] def nest_id_list(self, id_list: List[T], default:Optional[T]=None) -> Dict[int, Dict[int, T]]: """ Nest a list of values, indexed by flattened id, into a dictionary of nested ids. Parameters ---------- id_list : List[T] The list of values to convert into a nested dictionary. default : Optional[T], optional The default value to use if a key is not found, by default None. Returns ------- Dict[int, Dict[int, T]] A nested dictionary of the values in `id_list` or `default` if values are missing. """ output_dict = { first_id:{second_id: default for second_id in nested_ids} for first_id, nested_ids in enumerate(self.ids) } for flat_id, body in enumerate(id_list): first_id, second_id = self[flat_id] output_dict[first_id][second_id] = body return output_dict
@singledispatchmethod def __getitem__(self, key): """ Convert a key into a nested or flattened id, from a flattened or nested id respectively. Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, Tuple[int,int]] The key to convert. Returns ------- Union[Tuple[int,int], int] The converted key. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the key is not of type int or Tuple[int,int]. """ raise NotImplementedError("get item not supported for keys that aren't int or Tuple[int,int]") @__getitem__.register def _(self, key: int) -> Tuple[int,int]: return self.id_list[key] @__getitem__.register def _(self, key : tuple) -> int: assert len(key) == 2, "if supplying tuple key must supply a key of length 2" return self.id_map[key[0]][key[1]]
[docs] def get_nested_id(self,flat_id:int) -> Tuple[int,int]: """ Get the nested id from a flattened id. Parameters ---------- flat_id : int The flattened id to convert. Returns ------- Tuple[int,int] The nested id. """ return self[flat_id]
[docs] def get_flattened_id(self,first_id:int,second_id:int) -> int: """ Get the flattened id from a nested id. Parameters ---------- first_id : int The first id. second_id : int The second id. Returns ------- int The flattened id. """ return self[first_id,second_id]
@cached_property def id_list(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """ List of nested ids, for lookups from flattened id to nested ids. Returns ------- List[Tuple[int, int]] List of nested ids. """ id_list = [] for first_id, nested_ids in enumerate(self.ids): for second_id in nested_ids: id_list.append((first_id, second_id)) return id_list @cached_property def id_map(self) -> List[Dict[int,int]]: """ List of dictionaries mapping nested ids to flattened ids. Returns ------- List[Dict[int,int]] List of dictionaries mapping nested ids to flattened ids. """ id_map = [{} for first_id in self.ids] uid = 0 for first_id, nested_ids in enumerate(self.ids): for second_id in nested_ids: id_map[first_id][second_id] = uid uid += 1 return id_map
[docs] def partial_get(self,first_id:int) -> List[int]: """ Get the second ids for a given first id. Parameters ---------- first_id : int The first id to get the second ids for. Returns ------- List[int] The second ids for the given first id. """ return self.ids[first_id]
@cached_property def num_ids(self) -> int: """ The number of ids managed by the IdManager. Returns ------- int The number of ids. """ return sum(map(len,self.ids))

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