Source code for schola.sb3.action_space_patch


# Copyright (c) 2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tools for adapting Stable Baselines 3 PPO implementation to work with dictionary action spaces.
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from functools import cached_property, reduce
from stable_baselines3.common.distributions import Distribution, DiagGaussianDistribution, MultiCategoricalDistribution, CategoricalDistribution, BernoulliDistribution, StateDependentNoiseDistribution
from stable_baselines3.common.distributions import make_proba_distribution
from stable_baselines3 import PPO
import stable_baselines3.common.base_class as base
import stable_baselines3.common.buffers as buffers
import stable_baselines3.common.preprocessing as preprocessing
import stable_baselines3.common.policies as policies
import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn
from gymnasium import spaces
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Union, Optional, Type, Any
import warnings

from stable_baselines3.common.buffers import RolloutBuffer
from stable_baselines3.common.on_policy_algorithm import OnPolicyAlgorithm
from stable_baselines3.common.policies import ActorCriticCnnPolicy, ActorCriticPolicy, BasePolicy, MultiInputActorCriticPolicy
from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import GymEnv, MaybeCallback, Schedule
from stable_baselines3.common.utils import explained_variance, get_schedule_fn

[docs] def reshape_nonbatch(tensor : th.Tensor) -> th.Tensor: batch_dim = tensor.shape[0] return tensor.view(batch_dim,-1)
# this base class is a lie we use to bypass awful design in SB3 (deep seated checks that our distribution is one of 4 distributions)
[docs] class HybridDistribution(DiagGaussianDistribution): """ A composite distribution supporting discrete and continuous sub-distributions. Parameters ---------- distributions : OrderedDict[str,Distribution] A dictionary of distributions to use for the composite distribution. discrete_norm_factor : float, default=1.0 The normalization factor for discrete actions, by default 1.0 continuous_norm_factor : float, default=1.0 The normalization factor for continuous actions, by default 1.0 Attributes ---------- distributions : OrderedDict[str,Distribution] A dictionary of distributions to use for the composite distribution. """ #we could make this take an action space and use that to create the various dims we need
[docs] def __init__(self, distributions : OrderedDict, discrete_norm_factor = 1.0, continuous_norm_factor = 1.0): self.distributions : OrderedDict[str,Distribution] = distributions self._discrete_norm_factor = discrete_norm_factor self._continuous_norm_factor = continuous_norm_factor
@cached_property def action_dims(self) -> Dict[str,int]: """ The size of the action tensor corresponding to each branch of the distribution. Returns ------- Dict[str,int] A dictionary mapping branch of the distribution to the size of the action tensor corresponding to that branch. """ action_dims = {} # We take in OneHot but output discrete value so action is number of values and layer is sum of values (e.g.OneHot) for name, dist in self.distributions.items(): if isinstance(dist, MultiCategoricalDistribution): action_dims[name] = len(dist.action_dims) elif isinstance(dist, CategoricalDistribution): action_dims[name] = 1 else: #not all of the classes use action_dim or action_dims, so try both action_dims[name] = dist.action_dims if hasattr(dist,"action_dims") else dist.action_dim return action_dims @cached_property def action_dim(self) -> int: """ The size of the action tensor corresponding to this distribution. Returns ------- int The size of the action tensor corresponding to this distribution. """ return sum(self.action_dims.values()) #Note: We treat everything as having a dimension of size 0 by default @cached_property def log_std_dims(self) -> Dict[str,int]: """ The number of neurons required for the log standard deviation of each branch. Returns ------- Dict[str,int] A dictionary mapping branch of the distribution to the number of neurons required for the log standard deviation. """ log_std_dims = defaultdict(lambda : 0) for name, dist in self.distributions.items(): if isinstance(dist, (DiagGaussianDistribution, StateDependentNoiseDistribution)): log_std_dims[name] = dist.action_dim return log_std_dims @cached_property def log_std_dim(self) -> int: """ The number of neurons required for the log standard deviation. Returns ------- int The number of neurons required for the log standard deviation. """ return sum(self.log_std_dims.values()) @cached_property def layer_dims(self) -> Dict[str,int]: """ The number of neurons required for each branch of the distribution. Returns ------- Dict[str,int] A dictionary mapping branch of the distribution to the number of neurons required. """ layer_dims = {} for name, dist in self.distributions.items(): if isinstance(dist, MultiCategoricalDistribution): # We take in OneHot but output discrete value so action gets length and layer gets sum layer_dims[name] = sum(dist.action_dims) else: #not all of the classes use action_dim or action_dims, so try both layer_dims[name] = dist.action_dims if hasattr(dist,"action_dims") else dist.action_dim return layer_dims @cached_property def layer_dim(self) -> int: """ The neurons required for this distribution. Returns ------- int The number of neurons required for this distribution """ return sum(self.layer_dims.values())
[docs] def proba_distribution_net(self, latent_dim, log_std_init: float = 0.0): mean_actions = nn.Linear(latent_dim, self.layer_dim) log_std = nn.Parameter(th.ones(self.log_std_dim) * log_std_init, requires_grad=True) return mean_actions, log_std
[docs] def proba_distribution(self, mean_actions: th.Tensor, log_std: th.Tensor): action_view_start = 0 log_std_view_start = 0 for name, dist in self.distributions.items(): #Note this is a closure to make life easier if isinstance(dist, (DiagGaussianDistribution, StateDependentNoiseDistribution)): dist.proba_distribution(mean_actions[:, action_view_start:action_view_start+self.layer_dims[name]], log_std[log_std_view_start:log_std_view_start+self.log_std_dims[name]]) else: dist.proba_distribution(mean_actions[:, action_view_start:action_view_start+self.layer_dims[name]]) #see log_std_dims for why this is valid action_view_start += self.layer_dims[name] log_std_view_start += self.log_std_dims[name] return self
[docs] def action_generator(self, action: th.Tensor) -> Iterable[th.Tensor]: """ Takes an Action Sampled from this distribution and generates the actions corresponding to each branch of the distribution (e.g. if we have 2 box spaces, it generates a sequence of 2 values sampled from those distributions) Parameters ---------- action : th.Tensor The action to generate the sub-actions from. Yields ------- th.Tensor The sub-action corresponding to a branch of the distribution. """ action_view_start = 0 for name,dist in self.distributions.items(): curr_action = action[:, action_view_start : action_view_start+self.action_dims[name]] if isinstance(dist, CategoricalDistribution): curr_action = curr_action.view(-1) # Get rid of any non-batch dimensions yield curr_action action_view_start += self.action_dims[name] return
[docs] def log_prob(self, actions) -> th.Tensor: return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, map(lambda x: x[1].log_prob(x[0]), zip(self.action_generator(actions), self.distributions.values())))
[docs] def map_dists(self, func: Callable[[Distribution],Any], normalize:bool=False): """ Maps a function over the distributions in the composite distribution. Parameters ---------- func : Callable[[Distribution], Any] The function to map over the distributions. normalize : bool, optional Whether to normalize the output of the function using the norm factors, by default False """ def _inner(key): dist = self.distributions[key] result = func(dist) if normalize: if isinstance(dist, (CategoricalDistribution, MultiCategoricalDistribution, BernoulliDistribution)): result = result * self._discrete_norm_factor elif isinstance(dist, (DiagGaussianDistribution, StateDependentNoiseDistribution)): # handle log_std boys result = result * self._continuous_norm_factor return result return map(_inner, self.distributions)
[docs] def entropy(self) -> th.Tensor: entropy = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, self.map_dists(lambda x: x.entropy(), True)) return entropy
#returns [1xN] where N is total size of Flattened Distributions
[docs] def sample(self) -> th.Tensor: output =[sample for sample in self.map_dists(lambda x: reshape_nonbatch(x.sample()))], dim=1) return output
[docs] def mode(self): mode =[mode for mode in self.map_dists(lambda dist: reshape_nonbatch(dist.mode()))], dim=1) return mode
#no changes vs DiagGaussianDistribution but kept incase there are later
[docs] def actions_from_params(self, action_logits: th.Tensor, log_std:th.Tensor, deterministic:bool = False) -> th.Tensor: self.proba_distribution(action_logits, log_std) return self.get_actions(deterministic=deterministic)
[docs] def log_prob_from_params(self, mean_actions: th.Tensor, log_std: th.Tensor) -> Tuple[th.Tensor, th.Tensor]: actions = self.actions_from_params(mean_actions, log_std) return actions, self.log_prob(actions)
cached_make_proba_dist = make_proba_distribution
[docs] def make_hybrid_dist(action_space: spaces.Dict, use_sde:bool = False, discrete_norm_factor = 1.0, continuous_norm_factor = 1.0): """ Create a hybrid distribution from a dictionary of action spaces. Parameters ---------- action_space : spaces.Dict The dictionary of action spaces to create the distribution from. use_sde : bool, optional Whether to use state dependent noise, by default False discrete_norm_factor : float, optional The normalization factor for discrete actions, by default 1.0 continuous_norm_factor : float, optional The normalization factor for continuous actions, by default 1.0 """ distributions = OrderedDict([(key, cached_make_proba_dist(action_space[key], use_sde)) for key in action_space]) return HybridDistribution(distributions, discrete_norm_factor, continuous_norm_factor)
[docs] def patched_with_norm(discrete_norm_factor = 1.0, continuous_norm_factor = 1.0): def patched_make_proba_dist(action_space, use_sde=False, dist_kwargs=None): if isinstance(action_space,spaces.Dict): return make_hybrid_dist(action_space, use_sde, discrete_norm_factor, continuous_norm_factor) else: return cached_make_proba_dist(action_space, use_sde, dist_kwargs) return patched_make_proba_dist
[docs] class PatchedPPO(PPO):
[docs] def __init__(self, policy: Union[str, Type[ActorCriticPolicy]], env: Union[GymEnv, str], learning_rate: Union[float, Schedule] = 3e-4, n_steps: int = 2048, batch_size: int = 64, n_epochs: int = 10, gamma: float = 0.99, gae_lambda: float = 0.95, clip_range: Union[float, Schedule] = 0.2, clip_range_vf: Union[None, float, Schedule] = None, normalize_advantage: bool = True, ent_coef: float = 0.0, vf_coef: float = 0.5, max_grad_norm: float = 0.5, use_sde: bool = False, sde_sample_freq: int = -1, target_kl: Optional[float] = None, stats_window_size: int = 100, tensorboard_log: Optional[str] = None, policy_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, verbose: int = 0, seed: Optional[int] = None, device: Union[th.device, str] = "auto", _init_setup_model: bool = True, ): OnPolicyAlgorithm.__init__( self, policy, env, learning_rate=learning_rate, n_steps=n_steps, gamma=gamma, gae_lambda=gae_lambda, ent_coef=ent_coef, vf_coef=vf_coef, max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, use_sde=use_sde, sde_sample_freq=sde_sample_freq, stats_window_size=stats_window_size, tensorboard_log=tensorboard_log, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, verbose=verbose, device=device, seed=seed, _init_setup_model=False, supported_action_spaces=( spaces.Box, spaces.Discrete, spaces.MultiDiscrete, spaces.MultiBinary, spaces.Dict ), ) # Sanity check, otherwise it will lead to noisy gradient and NaN # because of the advantage normalization if normalize_advantage: assert ( batch_size > 1 ), "`batch_size` must be greater than 1. See" if self.env is not None: # Check that `n_steps * n_envs > 1` to avoid NaN # when doing advantage normalization buffer_size = self.env.num_envs * self.n_steps assert buffer_size > 1 or ( not normalize_advantage ), f"`n_steps * n_envs` must be greater than 1. Currently n_steps={self.n_steps} and n_envs={self.env.num_envs}" # Check that the rollout buffer size is a multiple of the mini-batch size untruncated_batches = buffer_size // batch_size if buffer_size % batch_size > 0: warnings.warn( f"You have specified a mini-batch size of {batch_size}," f" but because the `RolloutBuffer` is of size `n_steps * n_envs = {buffer_size}`," f" after every {untruncated_batches} untruncated mini-batches," f" there will be a truncated mini-batch of size {buffer_size % batch_size}\\n" f"We recommend using a `batch_size` that is a factor of `n_steps * n_envs`.\\n" f"Info: (n_steps={self.n_steps} and n_envs={self.env.num_envs})" ) self.batch_size = batch_size self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.clip_range = clip_range self.clip_range_vf = clip_range_vf self.normalize_advantage = normalize_advantage self.target_kl = target_kl if _init_setup_model: PPO._setup_model(self)
cached_get_action_dim = preprocessing.get_action_dim
[docs] def patched_get_action_dim(action_space): if(isinstance(action_space, spaces.Dict)): print("using hybrid action dist") return sum([cached_get_action_dim(action_space[key]) for key in action_space]) else: return cached_get_action_dim(action_space)
[docs] class ActionSpacePatch: """ A context manager that patches the stable baselines3 library to support custom action spaces. This is done by overriding the make_proba_distribution function in the stable baselines3 library with a custom function that supports custom action spaces. Currently only works with PPO. discrete and continuous actions are balanced with the `discrete_norm_factor` and `continuous_norm_factor` respectively. Parameters ---------- globs : Dict The globals dictionary of the calling module. discrete_norm_factor : float, optional The normalization factor for discrete actions, by default 1.0 continuous_norm_factor : float, optional The normalization factor for continuous actions, by default 1.0 Attributes ---------- globs : Dict The globals dictionary of the calling module. _continuous_norm_factor : float The normalization factor for continuous actions. _discrete_norm_factor : float The normalization factor for discrete actions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, globs, discrete_norm_factor = 1.0, continuous_norm_factor = 1.0): self.globs = globs self._continuous_norm_factor = continuous_norm_factor self._discrete_norm_factor = discrete_norm_factor
def __enter__(self): """ Patch the stable baselines3 library to support custom action spaces. """ policies.__dict__["make_proba_distribution"] = patched_with_norm(self._discrete_norm_factor, self._continuous_norm_factor) self.globs["PPO"] = PatchedPPO buffers.__dict__["get_action_dim"] = patched_get_action_dim def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """ Unpatch the stable baselines3 library. Parameters ---------- type : type The type of the exception if one was raised. value : Exception The exception that was raised, if one was raised. traceback : Traceback The traceback of the exception, if one was raised. """ base.__dict__["make_proba_distribution"] = cached_make_proba_dist preprocessing.__dict__["get_action_dim"] = cached_get_action_dim self.globs["PPO"] = PPO

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