Class ABlueprintScholaEnvironment
- class ABlueprintScholaEnvironment : public AAbstractScholaEnvironment
A blueprintable version of the AbstractScholaEnvironment.
Public Functions
- virtual void ResetEnvironment()
Reset the environment.
Note that this does not reset the agent state.
Subclasses should implement this method to add logic that runs when the environment is reset
- virtual void RegisterAgents(TArray<APawn*> &OutAgentControlledPawnArray)
Register a list of agents with the environment, from a list of pawns with associated agents.
Called after the environment is initialized.
- Parameters:
OutAgentControlledPawnArray – An array of pawns in the environment that are controlled by agents
- virtual void InitializeEnvironment()
Perform any environment setup like initializing variables, or binding delegates.
Occurs before Register Agents.
- virtual void SetEnvironmentOptions(const TMap<FString, FString> &Options)
Configure this environment based on arbitrary Options from the GymConnector.
Called immediately before the environment is reset, if the gym connector has Options.
- Parameters:
Options – [in] A map of options to configure the environment with