BlogCategory: Compressonator

AMD Brotli-G SDK

Brotli-G SDK

Brotli-G is an open-source compression/decompression standard for digital assets (based on Brotli) that is compatible with GPU hardware.

Improving Texture Compression in Games (2017) – YouTube link

Binomial are the creators of Basis, a very exciting new take on multi-platform texture compression that has wide applicability, and not just to games. This talk by Stephanie Hurlburt is a great primer on Basis and the problems it’s designed and engineered to solve.

RenderDoc 1.8 has Compressonator support

When associated with DDS files, RenderDoc generates thumbnails for DDS formats and displays them in Windows Explorer. Compressonator Core provides functions for compressing and decompressing DDS files.

Announcing Compressonator 3.2

The latest version of Compressonator is now available, featuring new BCn codec kernels, framework interfaces, cube maps, and more.