BlogCategory: Tools

GPU Reshape

GPU Reshape

GPU Reshape is a powerful tool that leverages on-the-fly instrumentation of GPU operations with instruction level validation of potentially undefined behavior.

Introducing Radeon™ GPU Profiler 2.0!

Radeon™ GPU Profiler 2.0 is packed with brand-new features and updates. This release includes a new customizable layout to the Wavefront Occupancy View, support for dark mode in UI, thread divergence monitoring in raytracing pipelines, and much more.


OCAT documentation

If you want to know how well a game is performing on your machine in real-time with low overhead, Open Capture and Analysis Tool (OCAT) has you covered. Read the manual here.

Radeon™ Memory Visualizer 1.7 is out now

Radeon™ Memory Visualizer v1.7 introduces one of the most anticipated new features: improved support for aliased resources in the Resource overview pane. Read on for details of this features and more.