



Now available as part of the Radeon™ Developer Tool Suite.

AMD Radeon™ Memory Visualizer (RMV) is a tool to allow you to gain a deep understanding of how your application uses memory for graphics resources.

Download the latest version - v1.12

This release adds the following features:
  • Support for AMD Radeon™ RX 9000 series GPUs
  • New options to delete all snapshots or a selection of snapshots.
  • Improved performance when loading snapshots for traces containing aliased resources.
  • Bug/stability fixes.


By instrumenting every level of our AMD Radeon™ driver stack, RMV is able to understand the full state of your application’s memory allocation at any point during your application’s life.

Obliterate oversubscription

The quick, simple interface tells you if you are over-subscribing a heap, and how the driver stack has reacted. Quickly find resources which are not in the optimal heaps.

Rethink your resources

Understand which resources require the most memory, which heaps they are in, and how your heaps are sub-allocated. Rapidly detect patterns in how your application is behaving.

Track your resources by name

Use the DirectX® 12 or Vulkan® API to customize the names of your resources then search and view the details in the Resource list.

Appreciate your allocations

Look for fragmentation, and understand how you are managing memory in each heap you create. Understand the balance between dedicated and placed resources.

Make good those memory leaks!​

Easily find memory leaks in your application by comparing snapshots.

Profile that paging

Dig into how resources have been treated over their lifetime. Understand how the operating system and driver have managed the physical backing for your resources, including paging during times of heap over subscription.

Learn how to get started with AMD Radeon™ Memory Visualizer

Find out more about RMV

Radeon™ Memory Visualizer 1.7 is out now

Radeon™ Memory Visualizer v1.7 introduces one of the most anticipated new features: improved support for aliased resources in the Resource overview pane. Read on for details of this features and more.


Supported GPUs

  • AMD Radeon™ RX 9000 series
  • AMD Radeon™ RX 7000 series
  • AMD Radeon™ RX 6000 series
  • AMD Radeon™ RX 5000 series
  • AMD Ryzen™ Processors with AMD Radeon™ Graphics based on AMD RDNA™ architecture

Supported graphics APIs

  • DirectX® 12
  • Vulkan®

Supported OSs

  • Windows® 10
  • Windows® 11
  • Linux – Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Vulkan® only)
  • Linux – Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Vulkan® only)

Version history

  • Support for AMD Radeon™ RX 9000 series GPUs
  • New options to delete all snapshots or a selection of snapshots.
  • Improved performance when loading snapshots for traces containing aliased resources.
  • Bug/stability fixes.
  • Dark mode user interface support, allowing the user to choose between a light and dark theme (or have RMV follow the OS theme setting).
  • UI support for driver experiments.
  • The “Device configuration” pane has been renamed to “System information.”
  • Bug/stability fixes.
  • Updated to use Qt 6.7.0.
  • Show/hide usage types on the Resource usage size and Resource usage count timeline views.
  • Bug/stability fixes.
  • Improved resource list sorting.
  • Implicit resource detection for heap resources.
  • Improved “Filter by size” sliders shown with min and max values.
  • Named virtual allocations.
  • The default timeline has been changed to “Virtual memory heap” and the “Committed memory” timeline view has been removed.
  • Other improvements and bug/stability fixes.
  • The Resource usage size timeline calculations take resource aliasing into account.
  • Unbound memory sizes are included on the Resource usage size timeline.
  • Bug/stability fixes.
  • Aliased Resource size calculation improvements on Resource overview pane.
  • Support for loading Radeon GPU Detective crash dump files.
  • Resource naming and implicit buffer filtering made more reliable in DX12.
  • Support for hours added (formatted as “H:MM:SS.clk_cycles” and included with the CTRL+T time-cycling shortcut keys).
  • System memory type added to device configuration pane (e.g. DDR4).
  • Bug/stability fixes.
  • Additional parameters added to the resource history table in the resource details pane.
  • Improved Device configuration reporting with newer trace files, including CPU and driver information.
  • Bug/stability fixes.
  • Keyboard shortcuts added for all panes on the Welcome and Settings lists. Some keys have also been remapped to avoid conflict with the Adrenaline software.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Linux capture support (requires driver version 22.10 or higher).
  • Fix for intermittent crash when adding and removing snapshots.
  • Support added for traces taken from systems with LPDDR4/5 & DDR5 memory.
  • Support for traces taken with Smart Access Memory (SAM) enabled.
  • Bugs/stability fixes.
  • DirectX® 12 Resource Naming.
  • Bug and stability fixes.
  • Tooltips added to show resource details on the Resource overview pane.
  • Range-based address searching added for the resource tables.
  • Bug and stability fixes.
  • Source code now available under MIT license.
  • Support for showing aliased resources in the allocation overview and allocation explorer panes.
  • Reworking of the resource “Filter by size” slider throughout so that the resources are more evenly distributed.
  • Empty tables show a graphical indication and description as to why the table is empty.
  • “Color by commit type” coloring mode.
  • Search box and filter by allocation size to the allocation table in the allocation explorer pane.
  • Show unmapped resource memory in residency donut in the resource details pane.
  • Initial release
Radeon Developer Tool Suite
AMD Radeon GPU Detective logo

Radeon™ GPU Detective (RGD) is a tool for post-mortem analysis of GPU crashes. RGD can capture AMD GPU crash dumps from DirectX® 12 apps.

Radeon Raytracing Analyzer

Radeon™ Raytracing Analyzer (RRA) is a tool which allows you to investigate the performance of your raytracing applications and highlight potential bottlenecks.

The RDP provides a communication channel with the Radeon™ Adrenalin driver. It generates event timing data used by the Radeon™ GPU Profiler (RGP), and the memory usage data used by the Radeon™ Memory Visualizer (RMV).

Radeon™ Memory Visualizer (RMV) is a tool to allow you to gain a deep understanding of how your application uses memory for graphics resources.

AMD Radeon GPU Profiler

RGP gives you unprecedented, in-depth access to a GPU. Easily analyze graphics, async compute usage, event timing, pipeline stalls, barriers, bottlenecks, and other performance inefficiencies.

Radeon GPU Analyzer is an offline compiler and performance analysis tool for DirectX®, Vulkan®, SPIR-V™, OpenGL® and OpenCL™.

Our other tools

AMD Frame Latency Meter

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GPU Reshape

GPU Reshape is a powerful tool that leverages on-the-fly instrumentation of GPU operations with instruction level validation of potentially undefined behavior.

AMD Radeon GPU Analyzer VS Code Extension

This is a Visual Studio® Code extension for Radeon GPU Analyzer (RGA) to allow you to use RGA directly from within VS Code.


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