BlogCategory: Event

AMD Tech Sharing Salon in China

AMD Tech-Sharing Salon 2022

A member of our GPUOpen team in China shares her report on the details of AMD Tech-Sharing Salon 2022, which took place in Shanghai.

Ray Tracing Research

AMD’s Ray Tracing Research

Watch this video digest of our recent ray tracing research, including efficient global illumination sampling, light sampling, and multi-resolution geometric representation.

Unreal Engine 4 TressFX 5.0

Watch our video explaining what UE4 TressFX 5.0 is, and how to use it. TressFX is designed to simulate and render realistic hair and fur.

GDC 2022 videos

Discover our videos and slides from the GDC 2022, including FSR 2.0, ray tracing, Ryzen optimizations, and presentations with game devs.