AMD Capsaicin Framework
Capsaicin is a Direct3D12 framework for real-time graphics research which implements the GI-1.0 technique and a reference path-tracer.
Capsaicin is a Direct3D12 framework for real-time graphics research which implements the GI-1.0 technique and a reference path-tracer.
This presentation is a practical implementation of a solution aimed at making the most of every sample by caching the estimated radiance into a cache hierarchy used for both sampling and filtering.
Radeon Raytracing Analyzer v1.2 introduces ray face culling flags, a ray traversal histogram, a geometry list pane, and an instance mask.
HIPRT-v2 is now available for download! This post covers some of the most exciting features and optimizations.
AMD and LunarG are pleased to announce DirectX®12 (D3D12) and DirectX® Raytracing (DXR) support for the GFXReconstruct capture/replay tool.
The latest update for RRA includes changes to the camera system and support for split triangles and rebraided instances. Check it all out here!
In this video, Can Alper introduces RRA V1.0. He explains how to capture games using RDP and evaluate when to use RRA.
Optimizing the raytracing pipeline can be difficult. Discover how to spot and diagnose common RT pitfalls with RRA, and how to fix them!
Watch this video digest of our recent ray tracing research, including efficient global illumination sampling, light sampling, and multi-resolution geometric representation.
The benefits of the level of details technique for ray tracing are not trivial. This blog explores the issues, giving the rationale for our new technique.
RGP 1.13 adds enhanced ray tracing features, such as new performance counters and inline RT. RDP 2.6 includes improved data capture.
HIP RT is a new ray tracing library for HIP. It makes it easy to write a ray tracing app using HIP. Check out this page for more information.