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The Radeon™ GPU Detective

The Radeon GPU Detective (RGD) is a tool that assists developers in post-mortem analysis of GPU crashes. The tool allows developers to generate and analyze AMD GPU crash dumps and produce information that can help narrow down the search for a crash’s root cause. Some of the information that is included in the crash analysis reports that the tool generates:

  • Execution markers for each command buffer that was executing during the crash, pointing to render passes and draw calls.

  • The offending virtual address, along with information about all the resources that resided in the relevant address ranges, for crashes that are identified as being caused by a page fault.

System requirements

  • Operating system: Windows® 10 or 11.

  • GPU: RDNA™2 (RX 6000 series) or RDNA™3 (RX 7000 series) card.

  • Driver: Radeon Adrenalin™ driver with Crash Analysis support.


  • You will need a game or other application that is crashing the GPU (currently Direct3D 12 or Vulkan are the APIs supported by the tool).

  • To make the most out of the tool, the application should:

    • Use string markers around render passes:
      • D3D12: Using the AMD GPU Services (AGS) library – same as supported by RGP.

      • Vulkan: Using the VK_EXT_debug_utils extension – functions vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT, vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT.

    • Name GPU resources (heaps, buffers, textures), as these strings appear in the crash analysis summary files and can help identifying the relevant resources in case of a page fault:
      • D3D12: Using ID3D12Object::SetName().

      • Vulkan: Using VK_EXT_debug_utils extension – function vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT.

Using the tool

Generating AMD GPU crash dumps

To learn how to capture AMD GPU crash dump files (.rgd files) and generate crash analysis summary files (text/JSON), please refer to the Quickstart Guide.

The crash analysis summary file

The RGD command line tool (rgd.exe) can parse AMD GPU crash dump files (.rgd files) and produce crash analysis report files in text or JSON format. Both the text and JSON summary files include the same information, in different representation. The JSON format can be useful for automated processing of crash reports. For simplicity, we will refer here to the human-readable textual output.


The RGD crash analysis text summary files are encoded in UTF-8 and use some Unicode characters to print the execution marker tree, so make sure you use a text editor that supports this, like Microsoft® Visual Studio Code.

RGD crash analysis output files include the following information by default:

  • Metadata about the crash analysis summary file and session.

  • System information (CPUs, GPUs, driver, OS etc.).

  • Execution marker tree for each command buffer that was in flight during the crash, pointing to render passes and draw calls.

  • Summary of the in-progress markers (similar to the execution marker tree, just without the hierarchy and only including execution markers that were in progress during the crash).

  • Page fault summary for crashes that were determined to be caused by a page fault. Otherwise, the tool will explicitly mention that no page fault was observed.

Here are some more details about the crash analysis file’s contents:

Crash analysis file information

This section is titled CRASH ANALYSIS FILE and contains information about the current summary report and the crashing process.

  • Input crash dump file name: the full path to the .rgd file that was used to generate this file.

  • Input crash dump file creation time: the creation time of the crash dump (.rgd) file.

  • RGD CLI version used: the RGD command line tool version that was used to generate this summary file.

  • Crash analysis file format version: schema version of the current file.

  • Crashing process ID: the process ID of the crashing application.

  • Crashing executable full path: full path to the crashing application executable.

System information

This section is titled SYSTEM INFO and includes information about the system on which the crash happened:

  • Operating system information

  • Graphics driver information

  • List of active Driver Experiments

  • Details about the installed CPUs

  • Details about the installed GPUs

Driver Experiments for Crash Analysis

RGD v1.3 supports a powerful new feature called Driver Experiments which lets you toggle certain driver features and optimizations that can change the behavior of your application without modifying its source code or configuration. This is done using Driver Experiments that control the low-level behavior of the Radeon Adrenalin driver. These experiments control features like raytracing or mesh shader support, compiler optimizations and more and can be useful in debugging GPU crashes.

AMD GPU crash dumps (.rgd files) record the list of Driver Experiments that were active during the crash analysis session, so that you always have an accurate picture of the driver configuration with which your app crashed. RGD’s crash analysis output summary text file will display the list of Driver Experiments that were active as part of the System Info section. This information will also be available in RGD’s machine-readable JSON output file. For more details about this feature, please refer to the Quickstart Guide.

For a detailed description of each supported experiment, please refer to the Driver Experiments section of the RDP documentation.

Here is an example of active Driver Experiments:



Driver info
Experiments : total of 4 Driver Experiments were active while capturing the AMD GPU crash dump:
        1. Disable sampler feedback support
        2. Disable raytracing support
        3. Disable variable rate shading
        4. Hull shader wave size: Force 32 threads per wave

Markers in progress

This section is titled MARKERS IN PROGRESS and contains information only about the execution markers that were in progress during the crash for each command buffer that was determined to be in flight during the crash. Here is an example for this section’s contents:


Command Buffer ID: 0x617
Frame 362 CL0/DownSamplePS/Draw [5 repeating occurrences]
Frame 362 CL0/DownSamplePS/Barrier
Frame 362 CL0/Bloom/BlurPS/Barrier
Frame 362 CL0/Bloom/BlurPS/Draw [2 repeating occurrences]

Note that marker hierarchy is denoted by /, forming “paths” like marker/marker/draw_call, similarly to paths in the hierarchy of file systems.

Execution marker tree

This section is titled EXECUTION MARKER TREE and contains a tree describing the marker status for each command buffer that was determined to be in flight during the crash.

User-provided marker strings will be wrapped in "". Other markers, which are autogenerated by AMD components will appear as-is without "".

Here is an example execution marker tree:


Command Buffer ID: 0x617 (Queue type: Direct)
[>] "Frame 362 CL0"
 ├─[X] "Depth + Normal + Motion Vector PrePass"
 ├─[X] "Shadow Cascade Pass"
 ├─[X] "TLAS Build"
 ├─[X] "Classify tiles"
 ├─[X] "Trace shadows"
 ├─[X] ----------Barrier----------
 ├─[X] "Denoise shadows"
 ├─[X] "GltfPbrPass::DrawBatchList"
 ├─[X] "Skydome Proc"
 ├─[X] "GltfPbrPass::DrawBatchList"
 ├─[>] "DownSamplePS"
 │  ├─[X] ----------Barrier----------
 │  ├─[>] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  ├─[>] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  ├─[>] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  ├─[>] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  ├─[>] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  └─[>] ----------Barrier----------
 ├─[>] "Bloom"
 │  ├─[>] "BlurPS"
 │  │  ├─[>] ----------Barrier----------
 │  │  ├─[>] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  │  ├─[>] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  │  └─[ ] ----------Barrier----------
 │  ├─[ ] ----------Barrier----------
 │  ├─[ ] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  ├─[ ] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  ├─[ ] "BlurPS"
 │  ├─[ ] Draw(VertexCount=3, InstanceCount=1)
 │  └─[ ] ----------Barrier----------
 └─[ ] "Indirect draw simple"

The execution marker status is represented by the following symbols:

  • [X] finished

  • [>] in progress

  • [ ] not started

The status (not started, in progress, finished) is determined based on commands that are fetched by the GPU driver from a command list and are executed through the stages of the GPU pipeline, which encompasses more than just execution of the shaders. It means that further passes and draw calls may appear as in progress before they start executing their shaders, even if there are barriers between them.


When passes and draw calls markers are shown as in progress:

  • If they are meant to execute in parallel (e.g. drawing 3D objects into the G-buffer), it is possible that they were really in progress when the crash happened and any of them could be the crashing one.

  • If they are known to execute serially with barriers between them (e.g. screen-space postprocessing passes), then likely the first in progress marker is the one that was executing its shader when the crash happened.

Execution marker tree features:

  • Thread group count is provided for compute dispatches.

  • Queue type is set to ‘Direct’ for graphics and ‘Compute’ for compute queue.

  • Vertex and instance counts are provided for draw calls.

  • Index and instance counts are provided for indexed draw calls.

  • In the text summary output, barriers are printed with dashed line to visually separate the set of markers in-between barriers.

The tree structure and contents are also configurable through the RDP options (or using command line options if running the RGD command line tool directly):

  • Check the Display execution marker source checkbox (or use the --marker-src command line option) to display a suffix that specifies the component that originated the marker (this could be, for instance, [App] for a user marker that originated from the crashing application’s source code).

  • Check the Expand all execution marker nodes checkbox (or use the --expand-markers command line option) for all nodes to be expanded. Note that RGD will collapse nodes which have all of their subnodes in finished state to remove noise and improve the tree’s readability.


Page fault summary

In the case that the crash was determined to be caused by a page fault, this section will list the offending virtual address (VA) where the page fault happened. Otherwise, it will be explicitly mentioned that no page fault was detected.

In addition to the offending VA, this section will present information about any resources that ever resided in this address or explicitly mention that no resources ever resided in this address during the crashing application’s lifetime.

If the crash was detected to be caused by a page fault, and resources indeed resided in the relevant VA during the crashing application’s lifetime, the following sections will be added as well:

Resource timeline

The resource timeline chronologically lists relevant events (such as Create, MakeResident and Destroy) for all the resources that ever resided in the relevant VA during the crashing application’s lifetime.

Here is an example of a resource timeline:


Timestamp            Event type      Resource type    Resource identifier   Resource size               Resource name
---------            ----------      -------------    -------------------   -------------               -------------
00:00:00.7989056     Create          Buffer           0xfcf3bdca0000014f    671088640 (640.00 MB)       VidMemBuffer
00:00:00.8009888     Bind            Buffer           0xfcf3bdca0000014f    671088640 (640.00 MB)       VidMemBuffer
00:00:00.8009888     Make Resident   Buffer           0xfcf3bdca0000014f    671088640 (640.00 MB)       VidMemBuffer
00:00:06.2607520     Destroy         Buffer           0xfcf3bdca0000014f    671088640 (640.00 MB)       VidMemBuffer

The fields in the Resource timeline section are:

  • Timestamp: the timestamp of the event in HH:MM:SS.Ticks since the start of the crash analysis session.

  • Event type: the type of the event (such as Create, MakeResident and Destroy).

  • Resource type: the type of resource (such as buffer or image).

  • Resource identifier: the resource ID (which is identical to that resource’s ID in RMV).

  • Resource size: the size of the resource.

  • Resource name: the name of the resource (assuming that the resource was named by the developer using ID3D12Object::SetName() for DX12 memory objects or using vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT() for Vulkan memory objects).

Associated resources

Each resource that ever resided in the offending VA during the crashing application’s lifetime, will also be listed under the Associated resources section. This section will give you more details that can be used to identify the relevant resources that might have played a part in the page fault.

Here is an example of an Image in the Associated resources section:


Resource id: 0x5a49f0600000a7f
    Type: Image
    Name: Postprocessing render target 4
    Virtual address:
             0x236c00000 [size: 16810352 (16.03 MB), parent address + offset: 0x236c00000 + 0x0, preferred heap: Local (GPU memory, CPU-visible)]
    Commit type: COMMITTED
            Create flags: PREFER_SWIZZLE_EQUATIONS | FIXED_TILE_SWIZZLE (24576)
            Image type: 2D
            Dimensions <x, y, z>: 1920 x 1080 x 1
            Swizzle pattern: XYZW
            Image format: X16Y16Z16W16_FLOAT
            Mip levels: 1
            Slices: 1
            Sample count: 1
            Fragment count: 1
            Tiling type: Optimal
    Resource timeline:
            00:00:09.4618368     : Create
            00:00:09.4622336     : Bind into 0x236c00000
            00:00:09.4622336     : Make Resident into 0x236c00000
            00:00:09.4634816     : Destroy


  • The Attributes section will be different for different resource types (for example, a buffer will not have an Image format attribute).

  • As you can see, each resource will also have its own resource timeline field which will list only the events that apply to that specific resource.

Interpreting the results

There are generally 3 possible scenarios when interpreting the crash analysis summary report:

Page Fault Detected?

VA has associated resources?




Attempt to access a resource that’s already destroyed/released (or something similar)


No (means no resource ever resided in this VA)

Either out of bounds access or attempt to access garbage data



Hang (use markers to narrow down)

Let’s elaborate:

  1. If a page fault was detected and associated resources are found, it likely means that the bug is due to accessing a resource after it has been released or evicted from memory. An incorrect (stale or wrongly indexed) descriptor is a possible cause. It would then be a good idea to examine each of the resource’s timelines:

    • When resource timeline ends with Destroy event, the resource was accessed by the GPU after it has been released with a D3D12 Release() call or a Vulkan equivalent call such as vkDestroyImage() call.

    • When resource timeline ends with Evict event, the resource was accessed by the GPU after it was evicted with a D3D12 Evict() call.

    • When resource timeline doesn’t include MakeResident event, the resource was created as non-resident.

  2. If a page fault was detected but no associated resources are found, it likely means that the GPU (e.g. a shader) tried to access memory at an incorrect address, which may indicate a bug in address calculation or indexing.

  3. When no page fault was detected, it likely means the crash was not related to memory access, but a different other type of problem, e.g. a shader hang due to timeout (too long execution) or an infinite loop.

Scope of v1.3

RGD is designed to capture GPU crashes on Windows. If a GPU fault (such as memory page fault or infinite loop in a shader) causes the GPU driver to not respond to the OS for some pre-determined time period (the default on Windows is 2 seconds), the OS will detect that and attempt to restart or remove the device. This mechanism is also known as “TDR” (Timeout Detection and Recovery) and is what we consider to be a GPU crash for the scope of this tool.

From a functional user perspective, when a GPU crash happens, the screen may flash or turn black for a few seconds and the “AMD Bug Report Tool” window will show up.

In the crashing application code, a D3D12 or DXGI function such as IDXGISwapChain::Present() will return an error code such as DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET, DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED, DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG or DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR, and the D3D12 Device object will become unusable. Similarly, a Vulkan function such as vkAcquireNextImageKHR will return an error code like VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST.

Note that RGD will not detect pure CPU crashes (for example, CPU null pointer dereference or integer division by zero). You will need to use a CPU debugger for that. Please use CPU debugging mechanisms like Microsoft Visual Studio to investigate such cases.

Rendering code which incorrectly uses D3D12 or Vulkan may also fail purely on the CPU and not reach the graphics driver or the GPU. Therefore, such crashes are not captured by RGD. They usually result in DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL error code returned, and are usually detected by the D3D12 Debug Layer.


When debugging a problem in any D3D12 application, first enable the D3D12 Debug Layer and make sure there are no errors (and preferably no warnings) reported before using more advanced tools, like RGD. The output of the Debug Layer is printed to the “Output” panel in Visual Studio when running the app under the debugger. Otherwise, it can be captured using the DebugView tool, which is part of the Sysinternals utilities that are freely available online from Microsoft®.

In Unreal Engine, you can enable it using -d3ddebug command-line parameter.

When programming in Vulkan, enable Vulkan Validation Layers and check if there are no errors or warnings reported that may be related to the bug you are investigating.

Usage tips for RGD

  • Enable the D3D12 Debug Layer / Vulkan Validation Layers before using RGD. The validation layers can catch certain errors that do not even make it to the GPU driver or the GPU itself and are not detected by the tool. Doing so can save you a lot of time.

  • Unreal Engine already supports our markers. You just need to use Development version of the executable and enable variable D3D12.EmitRgpFrameMarkers=1 in “Engine.ini” file.

  • Insert more fine-grained markers: If the execution markers that are shown by RGD do not give you precise enough information about the area of the crash, you can insert more fine-grained markers to your rendering code around some render passes, even individual draw calls and include additional information in their strings, like the name of a material, shader, or specific object. Use the in progress markers shown by RGD as a guideline to where more markers might be needed.

  • Try DRED with Crash Analysis Enabled: If your code implements custom functionality to report GPU crashes using WriteBufferImmediate() or the Device Removed Extended Data (DRED) API, RGD can be used with it as well. Enabling “Crash Analysis” in RDP can make such custom breadcrumb markers more accurate. To do that, follow the same steps for capturing a GPU crash dump with the relevant application. This will make sure that Crash Analysis mode will be enabled in the driver when your application is run.

  • In Vulkan, the old device extension VK_EXT_debug_marker is also supported by RGD, but it is now deprecated in favor of the VK_EXT_debug_utils instance extension.

  • Try Crash Analysis with Driver Experiments: If you suspect that certain optimizations or features enabled by the driver might be causing the crash, you can try to disable them using Driver Experiments. This can help you narrow down the search for the cause of the crash.

Known issues and workarounds

  • PIX markers (PIXBeginEvent, PIXEndEvent) are not captured by RGD. To see the hierarchy of markers around render passes, you need to use the markers from AGS library, either directly (agsDriverExtensionsDX12_PushMarker, agsDriverExtensionsDX12_PopMarker) or using the replacement header for PIX markers provided with this package that uses them automatically. Otherwise, you would see only a flat list of draw calls. This is the same requirement as for RGP. For more information, see the RGP documentation (“User Debug Markers” chapter).

  • Only push-pop scopes are captured. Point markers in AGS library (agsDriverExtensionsDX12_SetMarker) are ignored by RGD, and so are point markers in Vulkan (vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT).

  • In the current version of RGD, markers that cross command list boundaries (begin on one command list, end on another one) are not handled properly and may not show up in the RGD output.

  • A system reboot is recommended after the driver installation. An invalid crash dump file may get generated when RGD workflow is executed after a fresh driver installation without a system reboot.