Source code for schola.core.error_manager
# Copyright (c) 2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Exceptions for making gRPC errors more interpretable, and a context manager that automatically converts gRPC errors into our custom exceptions.
import grpc
import abc
from contextlib import ContextDecorator
class ScholaException(Exception):
Base class for all exceptions in Schola.
class WrappedGRPCException(ScholaException, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
Base class for all Schola exceptions that wrap GRPC exceptions, to add more information.
def comes_from(cls, exception):
class NoServerError(WrappedGRPCException):
An Error that occurs when the server is not detected. Either Unreal is not running or the connection is not established.
def __init__(self, exception):
def __str__(self):
return (
"No Server detected. Is Unreal Running? If it is, have you hit begin play?"
def comes_from(cls, exception):
return (
exception.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
and exception.details().startswith("failed to connect to all addresses")
class UnrealCrashedError(WrappedGRPCException):
An Error that occurs when Unreal has stopped responding.
def __init__(self, exception):
def __str__(self):
return "It looks like Unreal has stopped responding. Did you stop the running game?"
def comes_from(cls, exception):
code_cancelled = exception.code() == grpc.StatusCode.CANCELLED
details_cancelled = (
exception.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
and exception.details() == "Cancelling all calls"
stream_cancelled = (
exception.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNKNOWN
and exception.details() == "Stream removed"
return code_cancelled or details_cancelled or stream_cancelled
class MissingMethodError(WrappedGRPCException):
An Error that occurs when a method is called that doesn't exist in the Unreal environment.
def __init__(self, exception):
def __str__(self):
return "Expected an endpoint to exist in unreal but it doesn't. Check that your environment is configured correctly."
def comes_from(cls, exception):
return exception.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED
class EnvironmentException(ScholaException):
An Exception that occurs when there is a generic issue with an environment wrapping a ScholaEnvironment
def __init__(self, message):
ALL_EXCEPTIONS = [NoServerError, UnrealCrashedError, MissingMethodError]
class ScholaErrorContextManager(ContextDecorator):
Wrapper for GRPC that redirects any grpc errors to our own more descriptive custom ones.
def __init__(self):
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
if isinstance(exc_value, grpc.RpcError):
# check if it matches any of our current custom exceptions
for exception_class in ALL_EXCEPTIONS:
if exception_class.comes_from(exc_value):
raise exception_class(exc_value) from exc_value
# re-raise the current exception with false
return False
# return None to let the exceptions propagate on their own
class NoAgentsException(ScholaException):
An Exception that occurs when there are no agents in the environment.
def __init__(self, env_id):
self.env_id = env_id
def __str__(self):
return (
f"Connected to Unreal succesfully but Env:{self.env_id} has no agents. Please register atleast one agent to each environment."
class NoEnvironmentsException(ScholaException):
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return (
"Connected to Unreal succesfully but received no Environment Definitions. Check that there is an environment object in your map."