Source code for schola.core.spaces.dict


# Copyright (c) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Implementation of a DictionarySpace, a space representing a string keyed dictionary of other spaces.
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Dict, List, Union
import gymnasium
import schola.generated.Spaces_pb2 as proto_spaces
import schola.generated.Points_pb2 as proto_points
from .base import UnrealSpace
import numpy as np
import logging
from .discrete import DiscreteSpace, MultiDiscreteSpace
from .binary import MultiBinarySpace
from .box import BoxSpace
from .base import get_space_shape_as_int, merge_space_shape

[docs] class DictSpace(gymnasium.spaces.Dict): """ A Space representing a dictionary of spaces. Parameters ---------- space_dict : Dict[str, gymnasium.spaces.Space] The dictionary of spaces to be represented. Attributes ---------- spaces : Dict[str, gymnasium.spaces.Space] The dictionary of spaces represented by this object. See Also -------- gymnasium.spaces.Dict : The gym space object that this class is analogous to. proto_spaces.DictSpace : The protobuf representation of this space. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space_dict=None): super().__init__(space_dict) self._shape = merge_space_shape(self.spaces.values())
[docs] def fill_proto(self, msg: proto_points.DictPoint, action): for name, space in self.spaces.items(): space.fill_proto(msg.values.add(), action[name])
@cached_property def shapes(self): """ Get the shapes of the subspaces in the dictionary space. Returns ------- Dict[str, Tuple[int]] A dictionary of the shapes of the subspaces in the dictionary space Examples -------- >>> space = DictSpace({"a": BoxSpace(0, 1, shape=(2,)), "b": DiscreteSpace(3)}) >>> space.shapes {'a': 2, 'b': 1} """ ret_val = dict() for name, space in self.spaces.items(): ret_val[name] = get_space_shape_as_int(space) return ret_val
[docs] @classmethod def from_proto(cls, message): subspace_dict = OrderedDict() for name,value in zip(message.labels,message.values): #TODO clean this up if value.HasField(BoxSpace._name): new_entry = BoxSpace.from_proto(value.box_space) elif value.HasField(DiscreteSpace._name): new_entry = MultiDiscreteSpace.from_proto(value.discrete_space) elif value.HasField(MultiBinarySpace._name): new_entry = MultiBinarySpace.from_proto(value.binary_space) subspace_dict[name] = new_entry return DictSpace(subspace_dict)
[docs] def to_normalized(self): """ Normalize this dictionary space by normalizing all of the subspaces in this dictionary space. Returns ------- DictSpace The normalized dictionary space. A modified version of the space this method is called on Examples -------- >>> space = DictSpace({"a": BoxSpace([0,0],[2,2]), "b": DiscreteSpace(3)}) >>> space.to_normalized() Dict('a': Box(0.0, 2.0, (2,), float32), 'b': Discrete(3)) """ for key, value in self.spaces.items(): value.to_normalized() return self
[docs] def process_data(self, msg : proto_points.DictPoint): return {name: space.process_data(point_msg) for name, space, point_msg in zip(*zip(*self.spaces.items()), msg.values)}
@property def has_only_one_fundamental_type(self): """ Check if all the subspaces in the dictionary space are of the same fundamental type. Returns ------- bool True if all the subspaces are of the same fundamental type, False otherwise Examples -------- >>> space = DictSpace({"a": BoxSpace([0,0],[2,2]), "b": DiscreteSpace(3)}) >>> space.has_only_one_fundamental_type False >>> space = DictSpace({"a": BoxSpace([0,0],[2,2]), "b": BoxSpace([0,0],[2,2])}) >>> space.has_only_one_fundamental_type True >>> space = DictSpace({"a": DiscreteSpace(3), "b": MultiDiscreteSpace([3,3])}) >>> space.has_only_one_fundamental_type True """ fundamental_type = None for key,value in self.spaces.items(): if fundamental_type is None: fundamental_type = type(value) elif fundamental_type in [DiscreteSpace,MultiDiscreteSpace]: if not isinstance(value,(DiscreteSpace,MultiDiscreteSpace)): return False else: if not isinstance(value,fundamental_type): return False return True
[docs] def simplify(self) -> UnrealSpace: """ Simplify the dictionary space by merging subspaces of the same fundamental type, if possible. Returns ------- gymnasium.spaces.Space The simplified space Examples -------- >>> space = DictSpace({"a": BoxSpace([0,0],[2,2]), "b": BoxSpace([0,0],[2,2])}) >>> space.simplify() Box(0.0, 2.0, (4,), float32) >>> space = DictSpace({"a": DiscreteSpace(4), "b": BoxSpace([0,0],[2,2])}) >>> space.simplify() Dict('a': Discrete(4), 'b': Box(0.0, 2.0, (2,), float32)) >>> space = DictSpace({"a": DiscreteSpace(4)}) >>> space.simplify() Discrete(4) """ #Only one space so simplify to it if(len(self.spaces) == 1): return next(iter(self.spaces.values())) #We can merge matching spaces elif(self.has_only_one_fundamental_type): spaces = list(self.spaces.values()) return type(spaces[0]).merge(*spaces) else: return self

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