Source code for schola.scripts.common


# Copyright (c) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Common utility functions and classes for use in Schola scripts.
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import torch
from schola.core.unreal_connections import StandaloneUnrealConnection, UnrealEditorConnection
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
import argparse

[docs] class ActivationFunctionEnum(str, Enum): """ Activation functions for neural networks. Corresponding torch class is embedded in the layer attribute. """ def __new__(cls, value, subcls): obj = str.__new__(cls, [value]) obj._value_ = value obj.layer = subcls return obj ReLU : Tuple[str, torch.nn.ReLU] = ("relu", torch.nn.ReLU) #: Rectified Linear Unit activation function. Sigmoid : Tuple[str, torch.nn.Sigmoid] = ("sigmoid", torch.nn.Sigmoid) #: Sigmoid activation function. TanH : Tuple[str, torch.nn.Tanh] = ("tanh", torch.nn.Tanh) #: Hyperbolic Tangent activation function.
[docs] def add_checkpoint_args(parser : argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse._ArgumentGroup: """ Add checkpoint arguments to the parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse.ArgumentParser The parser to which the arguments will be added. Returns ------- argparse._ArgumentGroup The checkpoint group that was added to the parser. Can be used to add more arguments """ checkpoint_group = parser.add_argument_group("Checkpoint Arguments") checkpoint_group.add_argument("--enable-checkpoints", action="store_true", help="Enable saving checkpoints") checkpoint_group.add_argument("--checkpoint-dir", type=str, default=os.getcwd() + "/ckpt", help="Directory to save checkpoints") checkpoint_group.add_argument("--save-freq", type=int, default=100000, help="Frequency with which to save checkpoints") checkpoint_group.add_argument("--name-prefix", type=str, default=None, dest="name_prefix_override", help="Override the name prefix for the checkpoint files (e.g. SAC, PPO, etc.)") checkpoint_group.add_argument("--export-onnx", action="store_true", help="Whether to export the model to ONNX format instead of just saving a checkpoint") checkpoint_group.add_argument("--save-final-policy", action="store_true", help="Whether to save the final policy after training is complete") return checkpoint_group
[docs] def add_unreal_process_args(parser : argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse._ArgumentGroup: """ Add Unreal Engine process arguments to the parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse.ArgumentParser The parser to which the arguments will be added. Returns ------- argparse._ArgumentGroup The Unreal Engine process group that was added to the parser. Can be used to add more arguments. """ unreal_process_group = parser.add_argument_group("Unreal Process Arguments") unreal_process_group.add_argument("--launch-unreal",action="store_true", help="Flag indicating if the script should launch a standalone Unreal Engine process") unreal_process_group.add_argument("--unreal-path",default=None, type=str, help="Path to the Unreal Engine executable, when launching a standalone Unreal Engine process") unreal_process_group.add_argument("--headless", action="store_true", help="Flag indicating if the standalone Unreal Engine process should run in headless mode") unreal_process_group.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int, default=None, help="Port to connect to the Unreal Engine process, if None an open port will be automatically selected when running standalone. Port is required if connecting to an existing Unreal Engine process.") unreal_process_group.add_argument("--map", type=str, default=None, help="Map to load when launching a standalone Unreal Engine process") unreal_process_group.add_argument("--fps", type=int, default=None, help="Fixed FPS to use when running standalone, if None no fixed timestep is used") unreal_process_group.add_argument("--disable-script",action="store_true", help="Flag indicating if the autolaunch script setting in the Unreal Engine Schola Plugin should be disabled. Useful for testing.") return unreal_process_group
[docs] @dataclass class ScriptArgs: """ Arguments for included scripts """ # Checkpoint Arguments enable_checkpoints: bool = False #: Enable saving checkpoints checkpoint_dir: str = "." + "/ckpt" #: Enable saving checkpoints. save_freq: int = 100000 #: Frequency with which to save checkpoints. name_prefix_override: str = None #: Override the name prefix for the checkpoint files (e.g. SAC, PPO, etc.) export_onnx: bool = False #: Whether to export the model to ONNX format instead of just saving a checkpoint. save_final_policy: bool = False #: Whether to save the final policy after training is complete. # Unreal Process Arguments launch_unreal: bool = False #: Flag indicating if the script should launch a standalone Unreal Engine process port: Optional[int] = None #: Port to connect to the Unreal Engine process, if None an open port will be automatically selected when running standalone. Port is required if connecting to an existing Unreal Engine process. unreal_path: Optional[str] = None #: Path to the Unreal Engine executable, when launching a standalone Unreal Engine process #Note these arguments only apply if running in standalone mode headless: bool = False #: Flag indicating if the standalone Unreal Engine process should run in headless mode map: Optional[str] = None #: Map to load when launching a standalone Unreal Engine process fps:Optional[int] = None #: Fixed FPS to use when running standalone, if None no fixed timestep is used disable_script:bool = False #: Flag indicating if the autolaunch script setting in the Unreal Engine Schola Plugin should be disabled. Useful for testing.
[docs] def make_unreal_connection(self): """ Create an Unreal Engine connection based on the script arguments. Returns ------- UnrealConnection The Unreal Engine connection to use for the script. """ if self.launch_unreal: return StandaloneUnrealConnection("localhost", self.unreal_path, self.headless, port=self.port,, set_fps=self.fps, disable_script=self.disable_script) else: return UnrealEditorConnection("localhost", self.port)
[docs] def make_unreal_connection(args:ScriptArgs): """ Create an Unreal Engine connection based on the script arguments. Parameters ---------- args : ScriptArgs The script arguments to use for creating the Unreal Engine connection. Returns ------- UnrealConnection The Unreal Engine connection to use for the script. """ return args.make_unreal_connection()

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