Source code for schola.ray.env


# Copyright (c) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Implementation of ray.rllib.env.base_env.BaseEnv backed by a Schola Environment.

from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Union
import logging

from schola.core.unreal_connections import UnrealConnection
from schola.core.env import ScholaEnv, EnvAgentIdDict
from schola.core.spaces import (

from ray.rllib.env.base_env import BaseEnv as RayBaseEnv
from ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env import MultiAgentEnv
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import PublicAPI

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def sorted_multi_agent_space(multi_agent_space: Dict[int,DictSpace]) -> DictSpace: """ Sorts the spaces in a multi-agent space alphabetically by agent ID. Parameters ---------- multi_agent_space : Dict[int,DictSpace] The multi-agent space to sort. Returns ------- DictSpace The sorted multi-agent space. """ output_space = DictSpace() for agent_id, original_space in multi_agent_space.items(): sorted_space = DictSpace() for key in sorted(original_space): sorted_space[key] = original_space[key] output_space[agent_id] = sorted_space return output_space
[docs] @PublicAPI class BaseEnv(RayBaseEnv): """ A Ray RLlib environment that wraps a Schola environment. Parameters ---------- unreal_connection : UnrealConnection The connection to the Unreal Engine environment. verbosity : int, default=0 The verbosity level for the environment. Attributes ---------- unwrapped : MultiAgentEnv The underlying multi-agent environment. last_reset_obs : Dict[int,Dict[str,Any]] The observations recorded during the last reset. last_reset_infos : Dict[int,Dict[str,str]] The info dict recorded during the last reset. """
[docs] def __init__( self, unreal_connection: UnrealConnection, verbosity: int = 0, ): self.first_poll = True self._env = ScholaEnv(unreal_connection, verbosity) self.last_reset_obs = {} self.last_reset_infos = {} class MultiAgentSubclass(MultiAgentEnv): def __init__(self, action_space, observation_space, agent_ids=None): self.action_space = action_space self.observation_space = observation_space self._obs_space_in_preferred_format = True self._action_space_in_preferred_format = True self._agent_ids = agent_ids super().__init__() def reset(self): pass def step(self, action_dict): pass # Use the first environment's action and observation space to create a mock MultiAgentEnv subclass # We can do this the parallel environments are homogeneous # Because of some oddity with Rllib, it parses the spaces in alphabetical order, so the space # definition must match. ~ Tian, Aug 2024 observation_space = sorted_multi_agent_space(self._env.obs_defns[0]) action_space = sorted_multi_agent_space(self._env.action_defns[0]) logging.debug(action_space) logging.debug(observation_space) # we convert the dictionary to a Dict space self.unwrapped : MultiAgentEnv = MultiAgentSubclass( action_space=action_space, observation_space=observation_space, agent_ids=set(observation_space.keys()), )
@property def observation_space(self) -> DictSpace: #DictSpace[int,DictSpace[str,Any]] """ The observation space for the environment. Returns ------- DictSpace The observation space for the environment. """ return self.unwrapped.observation_space @property def action_space(self) -> DictSpace: #DictSpace[int,DictSpace[str,Any]] """ The action space for the environment. Returns ------- DictSpace The action space for the environment """ return self.unwrapped.action_space @property def num_envs(self) -> int: """ The number of sub-environments in the wrapped environment. Returns ------- int The number of sub-environments in the wrapped environment. """ return self._env.num_envs
[docs] def poll(self) -> Tuple[EnvAgentIdDict[Dict[str,Any]], EnvAgentIdDict[float], EnvAgentIdDict[bool], EnvAgentIdDict[bool], EnvAgentIdDict[Dict[str,str]], EnvAgentIdDict[Any]]: """ Poll the environment for the next observation, reward, termination, info and any off_policy_actions (Currently Unused). Returns ------- observations : EnvAgentIdDict[Dict[str,Any]] A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the observations for each agent. rewards : EnvAgentIdDict[float] A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the reward for each agent. terminateds : EnvAgentIdDict[bool] A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the termination flag for each agent. truncateds : EnvAgentIdDict[bool] A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the truncation flag for each agent. infos : EnvAgentIdDict[Dict[str,str]]]: A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the information dictionary for each agent. off_policy_actions : EnvAgentIdDict[Any] A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the off-policy actions for each agent. Unused. """ if self.first_poll: self.first_poll = False obs, rewards, terminateds, truncateds, infos = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} for env_id in self._env.obs_defns: rewards[env_id] = {} terminateds[env_id] = {} truncateds[env_id] = {} for agent_id in self._env.obs_defns[env_id]: rewards[env_id][agent_id] = 0 terminateds[env_id][agent_id] = False truncateds[env_id][agent_id] = False obs, infos = self._env.hard_reset() else: obs, rewards, terminateds, truncateds, infos = self._env.poll() off_policy_actions = {} # TODO: Implement off-policy actions completed_env_ids = [] for env_id in obs: terminateds[env_id]["__all__"] = all(terminateds[env_id].values()) truncateds[env_id]["__all__"] = all(truncateds[env_id].values()) if terminateds[env_id]["__all__"] or truncateds[env_id]["__all__"]: completed_env_ids.append(env_id) if completed_env_ids: self.last_reset_obs, self.last_reset_infos = self._env.soft_reset( completed_env_ids ) self.last_reset_obs = self.last_reset_obs return obs, rewards, terminateds, truncateds, infos, off_policy_actions
[docs] def send_actions(self, action_dict : EnvAgentIdDict[Dict[str,Any]]) -> None: self._env.send_actions(action_dict)
[docs] def try_reset(self, env_id:Optional[int]=None, seed:Optional[Union[List[int],int]]=None, options:Optional[Dict[str,str]]=None): if env_id is not None: obs = {env_id: self.last_reset_obs[env_id]} infos = {env_id: self.last_reset_infos[env_id]} return obs, infos else: return self.last_reset_obs, self.last_reset_infos
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: self._env.close()

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  • Visit the Schola product page for download links and more information.

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