Class UActuator
- class UActuator : public UAbstractInteractor
An actuator is a component that can be attached to an agent to make actions.
It is the interface between the agent and the environment.
An actuator can be of different types, such as movement, shooting, etc. It can be continuous, discrete, or binary.
Subclassed by UBinaryActuator, UBoxActuator, UDiscreteActuator
Public Functions
- inline virtual void FillActionSpace(TSpace &OutSpaceGroup)
Get the Space bounding the inputs to this actuator.
- Parameters:
OutSpaceGroup – [out] An empty SpaceVariant that will be filled with the ActionSpace of this Actuator
- inline virtual void TakeAction(const TPoint &Action)
Use this actuator to take an action impacting the world.
- Parameters:
Action – [in] PointGroup containing the inputs to this actuator from the brain
- AActor *SpawnActor(TSubclassOf<AActor> Class, const FTransform &SpawnTransform, ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod CollisionHandlingOverride, ESpawnActorScaleMethod TransformScaleMethod, AActor *Owner, APawn *Instigator)
Helper function to spawn a child actor, since the builtin method is not available in UObjects.
Will cause an error if called from a UObserver that isn’t part of the world.