Class URayCastObserver
- class URayCastObserver : public UBoxObserver
An observer that casts rays and collects observations about the first object hit.
Public Functions
- virtual FBoxSpace GetObservationSpace() const
Get the BoxSpace bounding the outputs of this sensor.
This function should be implemented by any derived classes
- Returns:
The ObservationSpace bounding the outputs of this sensor.
- TArray<FVector> GenerateRayEndpoints(int32 InNumRays, float InRayDegrees, FVector InBaseEnd, FVector InStart, FTransform InBaseTransform, FVector InEndOffset)
Generate the endpoints of the rays to be cast.
- Parameters:
InNumRays – [in] The number of rays to generate.
InRayDegrees – [in] The angle between the first and last ray.
InBaseEnd – [in] The base endpoint of the rays.
InStart – [in] The start point of the rays.
InBaseTransform – [in] A transform to apply to the generated endpoints.
- Returns:
An array of endpoints for the rays.
- void AppendEmptyTags(FBoxPoint &OutObservations)
Add Empty Tags to the ray for ease of adding in one hot encodings.
- Parameters:
OutObservations – [out] The observations to append the results to.
- void HandleRayMiss(FBoxPoint &OutObservations, FVector &InStart, FVector &InEnd)
Helper function for appending the data based on a ray trace that hit nothing.
- Parameters:
OutObservations – [out] The observations to append the results to.
InStart – [in] The start point of the ray.
InEnd – [in] The end point of the ray.
- void HandleRayHit(FHitResult &InHitResult, FBoxPoint &OutObservations, FVector &InStart)
Handle a SuccesfulRayTrace.
- Parameters:
InHitResult – [in] The result of the ray trace.
OutObservations – [out] The observations to append the results to.
InStart – [in] The start point of the ray.
- virtual void CollectObservations(FBoxPoint &OutObservations) override
Collect observations about the environment state.
- Parameters:
OutObservations – [out] A BoxPoint that will be updated with the outputs of this sensor.
Public Members
- float RayLength = 4096.f
The baseline length of each ray.
Will be adjusted by the Scale component of RayTransform
- TArray<FName> TrackedTags
Actor Tags that are checked on raycast collision.
Included in Observations as 1-hot vector.
- FTransform RayStartTransform
A transform that is applied to the generated ray trajectories before firing them.