Class UInferenceComponent
- class UInferenceComponent : public UActorComponent, public IInferenceAgent
Public Functions
- inline virtual APawn *GetControlledPawn() override
Get the controlled pawn of the agent.
- Returns:
A ptr to a controlled pawn object.
- inline virtual UInteractionManager *GetInteractionManager() override
Get the interaction manager for collecting actuators and observations.
- Returns:
A ptr to an interaction manager object.
- inline virtual UAbstractBrain *GetBrain() override
Get the brain of the agent.
- Returns:
A ptr to a brain object.
- inline virtual UAbstractPolicy *GetPolicy() override
Get the policy of the agent.
- Returns:
a ptr to a policy object.
- inline virtual TArray<UAbstractObserver*> GetAllObservers() override
Get both the observers attached to controlled pawn and the observers attached to the agent.
- Returns:
An array of observer objects.
- inline virtual TArray<UActuator*> GetAllActuators() override
Get both the actuators attached to controlled pawn and the actuators attached to the agent.
- Returns:
An array of actuator objects.
Public Members
- UInteractionManager *InteractionManager = CreateDefaultSubobject<UInteractionManager>(TEXT(“InteractionManager”))
Object defining how the agent interacts with the environment.
- UAbstractPolicy *Policy
Object defining an asynchronous function f:Observations->Actions used to make decisions for the agent.
- UAbstractBrain *Brain
Object defining how decisions requests are synchronized.
- TArray<UAbstractObserver*> Observers
List of observers that collect observations for the agent.
- TArray<UActuator*> Actuators
List of actuators that execute actions for the agent.