Class UScholaManagerSubsystem
- class UScholaManagerSubsystem : public UTickableWorldSubsystem
The core subsystem that coordinates the various parts of the UERL toolkit.
Public Functions
- virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override
Perform an update the currently running environment.
Potentially collecting observations on all agents, and doing actions
- Parameters:
DeltaTime – [in] The time since the last tick.
- void RegisterInferenceAgent(UObject *InferenceAgent)
Register an inferencing agent with the subsystem so that it can be controlled by the subsytem.
- Parameters:
InferenceAgent – [in] The inference agent to be registered.
Public Members
- TArray<TScriptInterface<IInferenceAgent>> InferenceAgents = TArray<TScriptInterface<IInferenceAgent>>()
The inferencing agents that are currently being controlled by the subsystem.
- UAbstractGymConnector *GymConnector
The gym connector that is currently selected.