Struct FTrainerState
- struct FTrainerState
A Struct representing the state of the agent given by a Reward, a vector observation and a status.
Public Functions
- inline void ToProto(Schola::AgentState &OutState) const
Fill a protobuf message (Schola::AgentState) with the agent’s state.
- Parameters:
OutState – [out] The protobuf message reference to fill
- inline void ToProto(Schola::AgentState *OutState) const
Fill a protobuf message (Schola::AgentState) with the agent’s state.
- Parameters:
OutState – [out] The protobuf message ptr to fill
- inline Schola::AgentState *ToProto() const
Convert this object to a protobuf message (Schola::AgentState)
- Returns:
A new protobuf message containing the contents of this object
Public Members
- ETrainingMsgStatus TrainingMsgStatus = ETrainingMsgStatus::NoStatus
Whether we have sent out our last message after completing an episode.
- FDictPoint *Observations
The vector observation of the agent in the last step.
Not a UProperty because FDictPoint is not blueprintable