
class schola.sb3.env.VecEnv(unreal_connection, verbosity=0)[source]

Bases: VecEnv


__init__(unreal_connection[, verbosity])


Clean up the environment’s resources.

env_is_wrapped(wrapper_class[, indices])

Check if environments are wrapped with a given wrapper.

env_method(*method_args[, indices])

Call instance methods of vectorized environments.

get_attr(attr_name[, indices])

Return attribute from vectorized environment.


Return RGB images from each environment when available

getattr_depth_check(name, already_found)

Check if an attribute reference is being hidden in a recursive call to __getattr__


Gym environment rendering


Reset all the environments and return an array of observations, or a tuple of observation arrays.


Sets the random seeds for all environments, based on a given seed.

set_attr(attr_name, value[, indices])

Set attribute inside vectorized environments.


Set the options for the environment.


Step the environments with the given action


Tell all the environments to start taking a step with the given actions.


Wait for the step taken with step_async().




verbosity (int)

__init__(unreal_connection, verbosity=0)[source]

verbosity (int)


Clean up the environment’s resources.

Return type:


env_is_wrapped(wrapper_class, indices=None)[source]

Check if environments are wrapped with a given wrapper.

  • method_name – The name of the environment method to invoke.

  • indices – Indices of envs whose method to call

  • method_args – Any positional arguments to provide in the call

  • method_kwargs – Any keyword arguments to provide in the call


True if the env is wrapped, False otherwise, for each env queried.

Return type:


env_method(*method_args, indices=None, **method_kwargs)[source]

Call instance methods of vectorized environments.

  • method_name – The name of the environment method to invoke.

  • indices – Indices of envs whose method to call

  • method_args – Any positional arguments to provide in the call

  • method_kwargs – Any keyword arguments to provide in the call


List of items returned by the environment’s method call

get_attr(attr_name, indices=None)[source]

Return attribute from vectorized environment.

  • attr_name – The name of the attribute whose value to return

  • indices – Indices of envs to get attribute from


List of values of ‘attr_name’ in all environments


Reset all the environments and return an array of observations, or a tuple of observation arrays.

If step_async is still doing work, that work will be cancelled and step_wait() should not be called until step_async() is invoked again.



Return type:

Dict[str, ndarray]


Sets the random seeds for all environments, based on a given seed. Each individual environment will still get its own seed, by incrementing the given seed. WARNING: since gym 0.26, those seeds will only be passed to the environment at the next reset.


seed (int | None) – The random seed. May be None for completely random seeding.


Returns a list containing the seeds for each individual env. Note that all list elements may be None, if the env does not return anything when being seeded.

Return type:


set_attr(attr_name, value, indices=None)[source]

Set attribute inside vectorized environments.

  • attr_name – The name of attribute to assign new value

  • value – Value to assign to attr_name

  • indices – Indices of envs to assign value


Set the options for the environment.


options (Optional[Dict[str,str]], optional) – The options to set, by default None.

Return type:



Tell all the environments to start taking a step with the given actions. Call step_wait() to get the results of the step.

You should not call this if a step_async run is already pending.


actions (List[ndarray] | List[Dict[str, ndarray]])

Return type:



Wait for the step taken with step_async().


observation, reward, done, information

Return type:

Tuple[Dict[str, ndarray], ndarray, ndarray, List[Dict[str, str]]]

Related pages

  • Visit the Schola product page for download links and more information.

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