- class schola.ray.env.BaseEnv(unreal_connection, verbosity=0)[source]
A Ray RLlib environment that wraps a Schola environment.
- Parameters:
unreal_connection (UnrealConnection) – The connection to the Unreal Engine environment.
verbosity (int, default=0) – The verbosity level for the environment.
(unreal_connection[, verbosity])get_agent_ids
()Return the agent ids for the sub_environment.
([as_dict])Return a reference to the underlying sub environments, if any.
()Returns the last observations, rewards, done- truncated flags and infos …
()Poll the environment for the next observation, reward, termination, info and any off_policy_actions (Currently Unused).
(action_dict)Called to send actions back to running agents in this env.
()Releases all resources used.
([make_env, num_envs, …])Converts an RLlib-supported env into a BaseEnv object.
([env_id])Tries to render the sub-environment with the given id or all.
([env_id, seed, options])Attempt to reset the sub-env with the given id or all sub-envs.
([env_id])Attempt to restart the sub-env with the given id or all sub-envs.
The action space for the environment.
The number of sub-environments in the wrapped environment.
The observation space for the environment.
- __init__(unreal_connection, verbosity=0)[source]
- Parameters:
unreal_connection (UnrealConnection)
verbosity (int)
- property action_space: DictSpace
The action space for the environment.
- Returns:
The action space for the environment
- Return type:
- property num_envs: int
The number of sub-environments in the wrapped environment.
- Returns:
The number of sub-environments in the wrapped environment.
- Return type:
- property observation_space: DictSpace
The observation space for the environment.
- Returns:
The observation space for the environment.
- Return type:
- poll()[source]
Poll the environment for the next observation, reward, termination, info and any off_policy_actions (Currently Unused).
- Returns:
observations (EnvAgentIdDict[Dict[str,Any]]) – A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the observations for each agent.
rewards (EnvAgentIdDict[float]) – A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the reward for each agent.
terminateds (EnvAgentIdDict[bool]) – A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the termination flag for each agent.
truncateds (EnvAgentIdDict[bool]) – A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the truncation flag for each agent.
infos (EnvAgentIdDict[Dict[str,str]]]:) – A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the information dictionary for each agent.
off_policy_actions (EnvAgentIdDict[Any]) – A dictionary, keyed by the environment and agent Id, containing the off-policy actions for each agent. Unused.
- Return type:
Tuple[Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[int, Dict[int, float]], Dict[int, Dict[int, bool]], Dict[int, Dict[int, bool]], Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[str, str]]], Dict[int, Dict[int, Any]]]
- send_actions(action_dict)[source]
Called to send actions back to running agents in this env.
Actions should be sent for each ready agent that returned observations in the previous poll() call.
- stop()[source]
Releases all resources used.
- Return type:
- try_reset(env_id=None, seed=None, options=None)[source]
Attempt to reset the sub-env with the given id or all sub-envs.
If the environment does not support synchronous reset, a tuple of (ASYNC_RESET_REQUEST, ASYNC_RESET_REQUEST) can be returned here.
Note: A MultiAgentDict is returned when using the deprecated wrapper classes such as ray.rllib.env.base_env._MultiAgentEnvToBaseEnv, however for consistency with the poll() method, a MultiEnvDict is returned from the new wrapper classes, such as ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env.MultiAgentEnvWrapper.
- Parameters:
env_id (int | None) – The sub-environment’s ID if applicable. If None, reset the entire Env (i.e. all sub-environments).
seed (None | List[int] | int) – The seed to be passed to the sub-environment(s) when resetting it. If None, will not reset any existing PRNG. If you pass an integer, the PRNG will be reset even if it already exists.
options (Dict[str, str] | None) – An options dict to be passed to the sub-environment(s) when resetting it.
- Returns:
A tuple consisting of a) the reset (multi-env/multi-agent) observation dict and b) the reset (multi-env/multi-agent) infos dict. Returns the (ASYNC_RESET_REQUEST, ASYNC_RESET_REQUEST) tuple, if not supported.