class SwapChain
The FidelityFX Cauldron Framework
api/platform-agnostic representation of the swapchain object.
File location: framework/cauldron/framework/inc/render/swapchain.h
Return type |
Description |
static SwapChain* |
SwapChain instance creation function. Implemented per api/platform to return the correct internal resource type.
ResourceFormat |
GetSwapChainFormat () const
Returns the swap chain resource’s format.
size_t |
Returns the configured backbuffer count for this run.
Returns the current “SwapChainRenderTarget“.
const ResourceViewInfo |
GetBackBufferRTV () const
Returns the current back buffer’s render target view “ResourceViewInfo“.
const ResourceViewInfo |
GetBackBufferRTV (uint8_t idx) const
Returns the specified back buffer’s render target view “ResourceViewInfo“.
uint8_t |
GetBackBufferIndex () const
Returns the current back buffer’s index.
const DisplayMode |
GetSwapChainDisplayMode () const
Returns the swap chain’s configured “DisplayMode“.
const HDRMetadata & |
GetHDRMetaData () const
Returns the swap chain’s configured “HDRMetadata“.
void |
OnResize (uint32_t width, uint32_t height) = 0
Callback invoked while processing OnResize events.
void |
WaitForSwapChain () = 0
Waits until the last submitted swap chain has finished presenting. Only waits when we run too far ahead.
void |
Present () = 0
Executes device presentation of the swapchain.
bool |
IsFrameInterpolation () const
Indicates if this is a replacement frame interpolation swapchain.
void |
GetLastPresentCount (UINT* pLastPresentCount)
Gets the last present count for the swapchain.
void |
GetRefreshRate (double* outRefreshRate)
Gets the current refresh rate for the swapchain.
void |
DumpSwapChainToFile (std::experimental::filesystem::path filePath) = 0
Creates a screenshot of the current swap chain.
DisplayMode |
CheckAndGetDisplayModeRequested (DisplayMode DispMode)
Verifies if requested display mode can be supported.
void |
Prepares the HDRMetadata based on the selected display mode for the run.
void |
SetHDRMetadataAndColorspace () = 0
Calculates and sets HDRMetadata and color space information.
SwapChainInternal* |
GetImpl () = 0
Gets the internal implementation for api/platform parameter accessors.
const SwapChainInternal* |
GetImpl () const = 0
Detailed description
The FidelityFX Cauldron Framework
api/platform-agnostic representation of the swapchain object. Interface for all presentation-related interfaces.
Type |
Description |
static const wchar_t* |
The name associated with swapchain resources.
SwapChain instance creation function. Implemented per api/platform to return the correct internal resource type.
Returns the swap chain resource’s format.
Returns the configured backbuffer count for this run.
SwapChainRenderTarget * GetBackBufferRT ()
Returns the current SwapChainRenderTarget
const ResourceViewInfo GetBackBufferRTV () const
Returns the current back buffer’s render target view ResourceViewInfo
const ResourceViewInfo GetBackBufferRTV (uint8_t idx) const
Returns the specified back buffer’s render target view ResourceViewInfo
Returns the current back buffer’s index.
Returns the swap chain’s configured DisplayMode
const HDRMetadata & GetHDRMetaData () const
Returns the swap chain’s configured HDRMetadata
Callback invoked while processing OnResize events.
Waits until the last submitted swap chain has finished presenting. Only waits when we run too far ahead.
Executes device presentation of the swapchain.
Indicates if this is a replacement frame interpolation swapchain.
Gets the last present count for the swapchain.
Gets the current refresh rate for the swapchain.
Creates a screenshot of the current swap chain.
Verifies if requested display mode can be supported.
Prepares the HDRMetadata based on the selected display mode for the run.
Calculates and sets HDRMetadata and color space information.
Gets the internal implementation for api/platform parameter accessors.