SDK Types
Structure and enumeration definitions used by the FidelityFX SDK.
Type |
Description |
typedef void* |
A typedef representing the graphics device.
typedef void* |
A typedef representing a command list or command buffer.
typedef void* |
A typedef for a root signature.
typedef void* |
A typedef for a command signature, used for indirect workloads.
typedef void* |
A typedef for a pipeline state object.
typedef void* |
(*FfxAllocFunc )(size_t size)
Allocate block of memory.
typedef void* |
(*FfxReallocFunc )( void *ptr, size_t size )
Reallocate block of memory.
typedef void |
(*FfxFreeFunc )(void *ptr)
Free block of memory.
typedef FfxConstantAllocation |
(*FfxConstantBufferAllocator )( void *data, const FfxUInt64 dataSize )
A function definition for a constant buffer allocation callback.
Name |
Description |
FfxAddressMode |
The address mode used when reading a texture.
FFX_ADDRESS_MODE_WRAP – Wrap when reading texture.
FFX_ADDRESS_MODE_MIRROR – Mirror when reading texture.
FFX_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP – Clamp when reading texture.
FFX_ADDRESS_MODE_BORDER – Border color when reading texture.
FFX_ADDRESS_MODE_MIRROR_ONCE – Mirror once when reading texture.
FfxBarrierType |
An enumeration for barrier types.
FfxBindStage |
An enumeration for view binding stages.
FfxDescriptiorType |
An enumeration for various descriptor types.
FfxEffect |
An enumeration of all the effects which constitute the FidelityFX SDK.
FFX_EFFECT_FSR2 = 0 – FidelityFX Super Resolution v2.
FFX_EFFECT_FSR1 – FidelityFX Super Resolution.
FFX_EFFECT_SPD – FidelityFX Single Pass Downsampler.
FFX_EFFECT_BLUR – FidelityFX Blur.
FFX_EFFECT_BREADCRUMBS – FidelityFX Breadcrumbs.
FFX_EFFECT_BRIXELIZER – FidelityFX Brixelizer.
FFX_EFFECT_CACAO – FidelityFX Combined Adaptive Compute Ambient Occlusion.
FFX_EFFECT_CAS – FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.
FFX_EFFECT_DENOISER – FidelityFX Denoiser.
FFX_EFFECT_LENS – FidelityFX Lens.
FFX_EFFECT_PARALLEL_SORT – FidelityFX Parallel Sort.
FFX_EFFECT_SSSR – FidelityFX Stochastic Screen Space Reflections.
FFX_EFFECT_VARIABLE_SHADING – FidelityFX Variable Shading.
FFX_EFFECT_LPM – FidelityFX Luma Preserving Mapper.
FFX_EFFECT_DOF – FidelityFX Depth of Field.
FFX_EFFECT_CLASSIFIER – FidelityFX Classifier.
FFX_EFFECT_FSR3UPSCALER – FidelityFX Super Resolution v3.
FFX_EFFECT_FRAMEINTERPOLATION – FidelityFX Frame Interpolation, part of FidelityFX Super Resolution v3.
FFX_EFFECT_OPTICALFLOW – FidelityFX Optical Flow, part of FidelityFX Super Resolution v3.
FFX_EFFECT_SHAREDRESOURCES = 127 – FidelityFX Shared resources effect ID.
FFX_EFFECT_SHAREDAPIBACKEND = 128 – FidelityFX Shared backend context used with DLL API.
FfxFilterType |
The type of filtering to perform when reading a texture.
FFX_FILTER_TYPE_MINMAGMIP_LINEAR – Sampling with interpolation.
FFX_FILTER_TYPE_MINMAGLINEARMIP_POINT – Use linear interpolation for minification and magnification; use point sampling for mip-level sampling.
FfxGpuJobType |
An enumeration for different render job types.
FFX_GPU_JOB_CLEAR_FLOAT = 0 – The GPU job is performing a floating-point clear.
FFX_GPU_JOB_COPY = 1 – The GPU job is performing a copy.
FFX_GPU_JOB_COMPUTE = 2 – The GPU job is performing a compute dispatch.
FFX_GPU_JOB_BARRIER = 3 – The GPU job is performing a barrier.
FFX_GPU_JOB_DISCARD = 4 – The GPU job is performing a floating-point clear.
FfxHeapType |
An enumeration for different heap types.
FFX_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0 – Local memory.
FFX_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD – Heap used for uploading resources.
FFX_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK – Heap used for reading back resources.
FfxMsgType |
An enumeration for message types that can be passed.
FfxResourceDimension |
An enumeration of surface dimensions.
FFX_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_1D – A resource with a single dimension.
FFX_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_2D – A resource with two dimensions.
FfxResourceFlags |
An enumeration of surface dimensions.
FFX_RESOURCE_FLAGS_ALIASABLE = (1 << 0) – A bit indicating a resource does not need to persist across frames.
FFX_RESOURCE_FLAGS_UNDEFINED = (1 << 1) – Special case flag used internally when importing resources that require additional setup.
FfxResourceInitDataType |
An enumeration for resource init data types that can be passed.
FfxResourceStates |
An enumeration of resource states.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_UNORDERED_ACCESS = (1 << 1) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be used as UAV.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COMPUTE_READ = (1 << 2) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be read by compute shaders.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_PIXEL_READ = (1 << 3) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be read by pixel shaders.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_PIXEL_COMPUTE_READ = (FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_PIXEL_READ | FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COMPUTE_READ) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be read by pixel or compute shaders.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_SRC = (1 << 4) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be used as source in a copy command.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_DEST = (1 << 5) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be used as destination in a copy command.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT = (1 << 6) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be used as an indirect command argument.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_PRESENT = (1 << 7) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be used to present to the swap chain.
FFX_RESOURCE_STATE_RENDER_TARGET = (1 << 8) – Indicates a resource is in the state to be used as render target.
FfxResourceType |
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_BUFFER – The resource is a buffer.
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_TEXTURE1D – The resource is a 1-dimensional texture.
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_TEXTURE2D – The resource is a 2-dimensional texture.
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_TEXTURE_CUBE – The resource is a cube map.
FFX_RESOURCE_TYPE_TEXTURE3D – The resource is a 3-dimensional texture.
FfxResourceUsage |
An enumeration of resource usage.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_READ_ONLY = 0 – No usage flags indicate a resource is read only.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_RENDERTARGET = (1<<0) – Indicates a resource will be used as render target.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_UAV = (1<<1) – Indicates a resource will be used as UAV.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_DEPTHTARGET = (1<<2) – Indicates a resource will be used as depth target.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_INDIRECT = (1<<3) – Indicates a resource will be used as indirect argument buffer.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_ARRAYVIEW = (1<<4) – Indicates a resource that will generate array views. Works on 2D and cubemap textures.
FFX_RESOURCE_USAGE_DCC_RENDERTARGET = (1<<5) – Indicates a resource that should specify optimal render target memory access flags (for console use)
FfxResourceViewDimension |
An enumeration of resource view dimensions.
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_DIMENSION_BUFFER – A resource view on a buffer.
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_1D – A resource view on a single dimension.
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY – A resource view on a single dimensional array.
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_2D – A resource view on two dimensions.
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY – A resource view on two dimensional array.
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_DIMENSION_TEXTURE_3D – A resource view on three dimensions.
FfxResourceViewType |
An enumeration of all resource view types.
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_UNORDERED_ACCESS – The resource view is an unordered access view (UAV).
FFX_RESOURCE_VIEW_SHADER_READ – The resource view is a shader resource view (SRV).
FfxShaderModel |
An enumeration of all supported shader models.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_5_1 – Shader model 5.1.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_0 – Shader model 6.0.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_1 – Shader model 6.1.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_2 – Shader model 6.2.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_3 – Shader model 6.3.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_4 – Shader model 6.4.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_5 – Shader model 6.5.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_6 – Shader model 6.6.
FFX_SHADER_MODEL_6_7 – Shader model 6.7.
FfxSurfaceFormat |
An enumeration of surface formats.
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS – 32 bit per channel, 4 channel typeless format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT – 32 bit per channel, 4 channel uint format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT – 32 bit per channel, 4 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT – 16 bit per channel, 4 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT – 32 bit per channel, 3 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT – 32 bit per channel, 2 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8_UINT – 8 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32_UINT – 32 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS – 8 bit per channel, 4 channel typeless format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM – 8 bit per channel, 4 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM – 8 bit per channel, 4 channel signed normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB – 8 bit per channel, 4 channel srgb normalized
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS – 8 bit per channel, 4 channel typeless format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM – 8 bit per channel, 4 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB – 8 bit per channel, 4 channel srgb normalized
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT – 32 bit 3 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM – 10 bit per 3 channel, 2 bit for 1 channel normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT – 16 bit per channel, 2 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT – 16 bit per channel, 2 channel unsigned int format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT – 16 bit per channel, 2 channel signed int format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT – 16 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16_UINT – 16 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned int format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16_UNORM – 16 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R16_SNORM – 16 bit per channel, 1 channel signed normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8_UNORM – 8 bit per channel, 1 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM – 8 bit per channel, 2 channel unsigned normalized format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT – 8 bit per channel, 2 channel unsigned integer format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT – 32 bit per channel, 1 channel float format
FFX_SURFACE_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP – 9 bit per channel, 5 bit exponent format
Name |
Description |
A structure encapsulating a set of allocation callbacks.
A structure containing the data required to create a barrier.
Information about single AMD FidelityFX Breadcrumbs Library GPU memory block.
A structure describing a clear render job.
A structure describing a compute render job.
A structure containing a constant buffer.
A structure describing a copy render job.
A structure containing the data required to create a resource.
A structure encapsulating a collection of device capabilities.
A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional point, using 32bit unsigned integers.
A structure encapsulating the bindless descriptor configuration of an effect.
A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional set of floating point coordinates.
A structure describing the parameters to pass to frame generation passes.
A structure describing a single render job.
A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional point.
An internal structure housing all that is needed for backend resource descriptions.
A structure containing the description used to create a “FfxPipeline“ structure.
A structure encapsulating a single pass of an algorithm.
A structure describing the parameters passed from the presentation thread to the ui composition callback function.
A structure encapsulating a 2-dimensional rect.
An outward facing structure containing a resource.
A structure defining a resource bind point.
A structure describing a resource.
An structure housing all that is needed for resource initialization.
An internal structure containing a handle to a resource and resource views.
A structure describing a constant buffer allocation.
A structure containing the data required to create root constant buffer mappings.
A structure containing the data required to create sampler mappings.
A single shader blob and a description of its resources.
A structure describing a static resource.
A structure defining the view to create.
Name |
Description |
FFX_MUTEX std::mutex |
FidelityFX mutex wrapper.
Macro definition to copy header shader blob information into its SDK structural representation.
Detailed description
Structure and enumeration definitions used by the FidelityFX SDK.
A typedef representing the graphics device.
A typedef representing a command list or command buffer.
A typedef for a root signature.
A typedef for a command signature, used for indirect workloads.
A typedef for a pipeline state object.
Allocate block of memory.
The callback function for requesting memory of provided size. size
cannot be 0.
size |
Size in bytes of memory to allocate. |
Return values:
The operation failed. |
Anything |
else The operation completed successfully. |
Reallocate block of memory.
The callback function for reallocating provided block of memory to new location with specified size. When provided with NULL
as ptr
then it should behave as FfxBreadcrumbsAllocFunc
. If the operation failed then contents of ptr
cannot be changed. size
cannot be 0.
ptr |
A pointer to previous block of memory. |
size |
Size in bytes of memory to allocate. |
Return values:
The operation failed. |
Anything |
else The operation completed successfully. |
Free block of memory.
The callback function for freeing provided block of memory. ptr
cannot be NULL
ptr |
A pointer to block of memory. |
A function definition for a constant buffer allocation callback.
Used to provide a constant buffer allocator to the calling backend
data |
The constant buffer data. |
dataSize |
The size of the constant buffer data. |
FidelityFX mutex wrapper.
Macro definition to copy header shader blob information into its SDK structural representation.