Checks if AMD Radeon™ Enhanced Sync is supported on a GPU.
ADLX_RESULT IsSupported (adlx_bool* supported)
supported adlx_bool* The pointer to a variable where the state of AMD Radeon Enhanced Sync is returned. The variable is true if AMD Radeon Enhanced Sync is supported. The variable is false if AMD Radeon Enhanced Sync is not supported.
Return Value
If the state of AMD Radeon Enhanced Sync is successfully returned, ADLX_OK is returned.
If the state of AMD Radeon Enhanced Sync is not successfully returned, an error code is returned.
Refer to ADLX_RESULT for success codes and error codes.
Additional Info
AMD Radeon Enhanced Sync synchronizes the transition to a new frame of animation with the display refresh rate at a low latency, so no tearing is visible between frames.
Does not limit the frame rate at the display’s refresh rate.
Header |
include “I3DSettings.h” |
Minimum version |
1.0 |