
Checks if the Integer Display Scaling is supported on a display.



ADLX_RESULT     IsSupported (adlx_bool* supported)


  1. [out] supported adlx_bool* The pointer to a variable where the state of Integer Display Scaling is returned. The variable is true if Integer Display Scaling is supported. The variable is false if Integer Display Scaling is not supported.

Return Value

If the state of Integer Display Scaling is successfully returned, ADLX_OK is returned.

If the state of Integer Display Scaling is not successfully returned, an error code is returned.

Refer to ADLX_RESULT for success codes and error codes.

Additional Info

Integer Display Scaling gives a sharp, pixelated look to images scaled up to fit the display. Images that can’t be scaled to match the display’s exact size and shape will be centered on screen. Integer Display Scaling enhances visuals in old games to revive vintage gaming experiences on a modern display.

Note : Integer Display Scaling is not supported when GPU scaling is disabled.



include “IDisplaySettings.h”

Minimum version
