
Demonstrates how to obtain the display 3DLUT when programming with ADLX and perform related tests.

Command Prompts

Command Prompt Description
1 Display 3DLUT support.
2 Get 3DLUT state.
3 Set current SCE to disabled.
4 Set current SCE feature to Vivid Gaming profile.
5 Set current SCE feature to Dynamic Contrast profile.
6 Display user 3DLUT support.
7 Clear user 3DLUT.
8 Demonstrates SDR user 3DLUT.
9 Demonstrates HDR user 3DLUT.
a Demonstrates all user 3DLUT.
b Get user 3DLUT index.
M/m Display the command prompt menu.
Q/q Terminate the application.

Sample Path




// Copyright (c) 2021 - 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

#include "SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/Cpp/ADLXHelper.h"
#include "SDK/Include/IDisplay3DLUT.h"
#include "SDK/Include/IDisplays.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// Use adlx namespace
using namespace adlx;

// ADLXHelper instance.
// No outstanding interfaces from ADLX must exist when ADLX is destroyed.
// Use global variables to ensure validity of the interface.
static ADLXHelper g_ADLXHelp;

// Constant value used to set size of user 3D LUT data

// Show display3DLUT support
void ShowDisplay3DLUTSupport(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);
// Get and show current display3DLUT state
void Get3DLUTState(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);
// Set display3DLUT
void Set3DLUTState(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display, const int key);
// Get user 3DLUT support
void IsSupportedUser3DLUT(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);
// Clear user 3DLUT
void ClearUser3DLUT(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);
// Get or Set SDR user 3DLUT
void DemoSDRUser3DLUT (const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);
// Get or Set HDR user 3DLUT
void DemoHDRUser3DLUT (const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);
// Get or Set all user 3DLUT
void DemoAllUser3DLUT (const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);
// Get 3DLUT index
void GetUser3DLUTIndex(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);

// Main menu
void MainMenu();

// Menu action control
void MenuControl(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);

// Wait for exit with error message
int WaitAndExit(const char* msg, const int retCode);

// Helper functions

// Algorigthm to generate a value which ranges from 0 to 0xFFFF
inline double Inputvalue (int index, int bitDepth, int numOfPoints)
    return fmin (static_cast<float>(index * pow (2, bitDepth) / static_cast<float>(numOfPoints - 1)), pow (2, bitDepth) - 1);

// The 3DLUT are three axes of a 3-dimensional cube
// Generate 3DLut data bit wise: 17*17*17 triplets/lattice of RGB values.
// Each triplet contains the component of RGB values(16-bit depth) from 0 to 0xFFFF.
adlx_bool GenerateUser3DLUT_BW (const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display, adlx_int numOfPoints, ADLX_3DLUT_Data * user3DLUT)
    adlx_bool ret = true;

    const int bitDepth = 16;

    IADLXDisplay3DLUTPtr display3DLUT;
    ADLX_RESULT  res = displayService->Get3DLUT (display, &display3DLUT);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED  (res))
        ADLX_UINT16_RGB  rgbCoordinate = { 0, 0, 0 };
        adlx_int index = 0;

        for (int r = 0; r < numOfPoints; r++)
            for (int g = 0; g < numOfPoints; g++)
                for (int b = 0; b < numOfPoints; b++)
                    rgbCoordinate.red  = r;
                    rgbCoordinate.green  = g;
                    rgbCoordinate.blue  = b;

                    //Recalculate 3DLUT based on the "Inputvalue" which ranges from 0 to 0xFFFF. The recalculated value falls in the same range of 0 to 0xFFFF to be more "random".
                    double temp = 0.25 * Inputvalue (r, bitDepth, numOfPoints) + 0.625 * Inputvalue (g, bitDepth, numOfPoints) + 0.125 * Inputvalue (b, bitDepth, numOfPoints);

                    // Get the index in the 3D LUT buffer corresponding to the RGB triplet.
                    res = display3DLUT->GetUser3DLUTIndex (numOfPoints, &rgbCoordinate, &index);

                    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED  (res))
                        adlx_uint16 tValue = static_cast<adlx_uint16>(temp);
                        user3DLUT->data [index].red  = tValue;
                        user3DLUT->data [index].green  = tValue;
                        user3DLUT->data [index].blue  = tValue;
                        ret = false;
                        goto EXIT;

    return ret;

int main()
    // Define return code

    // Initialize ADLX
    res = g_ADLXHelp.Initialize();
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        // Get display service
        IADLXDisplayServicesPtr displayService;
        res = g_ADLXHelp.GetSystemServices()->GetDisplaysServices(&displayService);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            // Get display list
            IADLXDisplayListPtr displayList;
            res = displayService->GetDisplays(&displayList);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                // Inspect for the first display in the list
                adlx_uint it = 0;
                IADLXDisplayPtr display;
                res = displayList->At(it, &display);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    // Display main menu options
                    // Get and execute the choice
                    MenuControl(displayService, display);
                std::cout << "Failed to get Display list" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Failed to get Display Services" << std::endl;
        return WaitAndExit("ADLX initialization failed", 0);

    // Destroy ADLX
    res = g_ADLXHelp.Terminate();
    std::cout << "Destroy ADLX res: " << res << std::endl;

    // Pause to see the printout

    return 0;

// Display display3DLUT support
void ShowDisplay3DLUTSupport(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display)
    // Get display3DLUT
    IADLXDisplay3DLUTPtr display3DLUT;
    ADLX_RESULT  res = displayService->Get3DLUT(display, &display3DLUT);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        std::cout << "  === 3D LUT supported status ===" << std::endl;
        adlx_bool supported;
        ADLX_RESULT  res = display3DLUT->IsSupportedSCE(&supported);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            std::cout << "\\tIsSupportedSCE: " << supported << std::endl;
        res = display3DLUT->IsSupportedSCEVividGaming(&supported);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            std::cout << "\\tIsSupportedSCE_VividGaming: " << supported << std::endl;
        res = display3DLUT->IsSupportedSCEDynamicContrast(&supported);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            std::cout << "\\tIsSupportedSCEDynamicContrast: " << supported << std::endl;
        res = display3DLUT->IsSupportedUser3DLUT(&supported);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            std::cout << "\\tIsSupportedUser3DLUT: " << supported << std::endl;

// Get and display current display3DLUT state
void Get3DLUTState(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display)
    // Get display3DLUT
    IADLXDisplay3DLUTPtr display3DLUT;
    ADLX_RESULT  res = displayService->Get3DLUT(display, &display3DLUT);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        std::cout << "  === Get 3D LUT ===" << std::endl;
        adlx_bool applied = false;
        res = display3DLUT->IsCurrentSCEDisabled(&applied);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            std::cout << "\\tIsCurrentSCEDisabled: " << applied << std::endl;
        res = display3DLUT->IsCurrentSCEVividGaming(&applied);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            std::cout << "\\tIsCurrentSCEVividGaming: " << applied << std::endl;
        res = display3DLUT->IsCurrentSCEDynamicContrast(&applied);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            std::cout << "\\tIsCurrentSCEDynamicContrast: " << applied << std::endl;
        if (applied)
            ADLX_IntRange  range;
            res =display3DLUT->GetSCEDynamicContrastRange(&range);
            std::cout << "\\t\\tDynamic Contrast range is: [ " << range.minValue  << " , " << range.maxValue  << " ]" << std::endl;
            adlx_int contrast;
            res = display3DLUT->GetSCEDynamicContrast(&contrast);
            std::cout << "\\t\\tDynamic Contrast is: " << contrast << std::endl;

// Set display3DLUT
void Set3DLUTState(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display, const int key)
    // Get display3DLUT
    IADLXDisplay3DLUTPtr display3DLUT;
    ADLX_RESULT  res = displayService->Get3DLUT(display, &display3DLUT);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        std::cout << "  === Set 3D LUT ===" << std::endl;
        ADLX_RESULT  res = ADLX_FAIL ;
        switch (key)
        // Set SCE disabled
        case 0:
            res = display3DLUT->SetSCEDisabled();

        // Set SCE Vivid Gaming
        case 1:
            res = display3DLUT->SetSCEVividGaming();
        // Set SCE Dynamic Contrast
        case 2:
                ADLX_IntRange  range;
                adlx_int curContrast;
                adlx_int contrast;
                if (curContrast != range.minValue )
                    contrast = range.minValue ;
                    res = display3DLUT->SetSCEDynamicContrast(contrast);
                    std::cout << "\\tUse minimum Dynamic Contrast" << std::endl;
                    contrast = range.maxValue ;
                    res = display3DLUT->SetSCEDynamicContrast(contrast);
                    std::cout << "\\tUse maximum Dynamic Contrast" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "\\tReturn code is: " << res << " (0 means Success)" << std::endl;

// Get user 3DLUT support
void IsSupportedUser3DLUT(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display)
    // Get display3DLUT
    IADLXDisplay3DLUTPtr display3DLUT;
    ADLX_RESULT  res = displayService->Get3DLUT(display, &display3DLUT);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        std::cout << "  === IsSupportedUser3DLUT ===" << std::endl;
        adlx_bool supported = false;
        res = display3DLUT->IsSupportedUser3DLUT(&supported);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            std::cout << "  === IsSupportedUser3DLUT: " << (supported ? "True" : "False") << std::endl;

// Clear user 3DLUT