
Demonstrates how to control GPU metrics when programming with ADLX.

Command Prompts

Command Prompt Description
1 Show GPU metrics range.
2 Show current GPU metrics.
3 Show current GPU metrics from historical data.
4 Show historical GPU metrics.
M/m Show this menu.
Q/q Quit.

Sample Path




// Copyright (c) 2021 - 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

#include "SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/C/ADLXHelper.h"
#include "SDK/Include/IPerformanceMonitoring.h"
#include "SDK/Include/IPerformanceMonitoring2.h"

// Main menu
void MainMenu();

// Menu action control
void MenuControl(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices *perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU *oneGPU);

// Wait for exit with error message
int WaitAndExit(const char* msg, const int retCode);

// Show GPU metrics range
void ShowGPUMetricsRange(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices* perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU* oneGPU);

 * If the app only requires the current metric set, metrics tracking can be omitted in favor of calling the more efficient GetCurrent function.
 * If the app also requires metrics history, GetHistory retrieves the required accumulated history buffer, that may also include the current metric set.
// Show current GPU metrics
void ShowCurrentGPUMetrics(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices *perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU *oneGPU);
void ShowCurrentGPUMetricsFromHistorical(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices* perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU* oneGPU);

// Show historical GPU metrics
void ShowHistoricalGPUMetrics(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices *perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU *oneGPU);

// ASCII °
static const signed char g_degree = 248;

int main()

    // Initialize ADLX
    res = ADLXHelper_Initialize();

    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        // Get Performance Monitoring services
        IADLXSystem *sys = ADLXHelper_GetSystemServices();
        IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices *perfMonitoringService = NULL;
        res = sys->pVtbl->GetPerformanceMonitoringServices(sys, &perfMonitoringService);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            IADLXGPUList* gpus = NULL;
            // Get GPU list
            res = sys->pVtbl->GetGPUs(sys, &gpus);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                // Use initial GPU
                IADLXGPU* oneGPU = NULL;
                res = gpus->pVtbl->At_GPUList(gpus, gpus->pVtbl->Begin(gpus), &oneGPU);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    // Display main menu options
                    // Get and execute the choice
                    MenuControl(perfMonitoringService, oneGPU);
                    printf("\\tGet particular GPU failed\\n");
                if (oneGPU != NULL)
                    oneGPU = NULL;
                printf("\\tGet GPU list failed\\n");
            if (gpus != NULL)
                gpus = NULL;
            printf("\\tGet Performance Monitoring services failed\\n");
        if (perfMonitoringService != NULL)
            perfMonitoringService = NULL;
        return WaitAndExit("\\tg_ADLXHelp initialization failed", 0);

    // Destroy ADLX
    res = ADLXHelper_Terminate();
    printf("Destroy ADLX res: %d\\n", res);

    // Pause to see the print out

    return 0;

// Main menu
void MainMenu()
    printf("\\tChoose one from the following options\\n");

    printf("\\t->Press 1 to display the GPU metrics range\\n");
    printf("\\t->Press 2 to display the current GPU metrics\\n");
    printf("\\t->Press 3 to display the current GPU metrics from historical data\\n");
    printf("\\t->Press 4 to display the historical GPU metrics\\n");

    printf("\\t->Press Q/q to terminate the application\\n");
    printf("\\t->Press M/m to display the main menu options\\n");

// Menu action control
void MenuControl(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices *perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU *oneGPU)
    int num = 0;
    while ((num = getchar()) != 'q' && num != 'Q')
        switch (num)
        // Show GPU metrics range
        case '1':
            ShowGPUMetricsRange(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU);

        // Display current GPU metrics
        case '2':
            ShowCurrentGPUMetrics(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU);

        // Display current GPU metrics from historical data
        case '3':
            ShowCurrentGPUMetricsFromHistorical(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU);

        // Display historical GPU metrics
        case '4':
            ShowHistoricalGPUMetrics(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU);

        //  Display menu options
        case 'm':
        case 'M':

// Wait for exit with error message
int WaitAndExit(const char* msg, const int retCode)
    // Printout the message and pause to see it before returning the desired code
    if (NULL != msg)
        printf("%s\\n", msg);

    return retCode;

// Display GPU metrics range
void ShowGPUMetricsRange(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices* perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU* oneGPU)
    // Get GPU metrics support
    IADLXGPUMetricsSupport* gpuMetricsSupport = NULL;
    ADLX_RESULT  res = perfMonitoringServices->pVtbl->GetSupportedGPUMetrics(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU, &gpuMetricsSupport);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        adlx_int minValue = 0, maxValue = 0;

        // Get GPU usage range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUUsageRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU usage range between %d%% and %d%%\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU usage range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU clock speed range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUClockSpeedRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU clock speed range between %dMHz and %dMHz\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU clock speed range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU VRAM clock speed range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUVRAMClockSpeedRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU VRAM clock speed range between %dMHz and %dMHz\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU VRAM clock speed range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU temperature range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUTemperatureRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU temperature range between %d%cC and %d%cC\\n", minValue, g_degree, maxValue, g_degree);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU temperature range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU hotspot temperature range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUHotspotTemperatureRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU hotspot temperature range between %d%cC and %d%cC\\n", minValue, g_degree, maxValue, g_degree);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU hotspot temperature range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU power range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUPowerRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU power range between %dW and %dW\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU power range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU fan speed range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUFanSpeedRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU fan speed range between %dRPM and %dRPM\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU fan speed range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU VRAM range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUVRAMRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU VRAM range between %dMB and %dMB\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU VRAM range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU voltage range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUVoltageRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU voltage range between %dmV and %dmV\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU voltage range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU total board power range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUTotalBoardPowerRange(gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("The GPU total board power range between %dW and %dW\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf("GPU total board power range not supported\\n");

        // Get GPU intake temperature range
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->GetGPUIntakeTemperatureRange (gpuMetricsSupport, &minValue, &maxValue);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED  (res))
            printf ("The GPU intake temperature range between %dW and %dW\\n", minValue, maxValue);
        else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
            printf ("GPU intake temperature range not supported\\n");

        IADLXGPUMetricsSupport1* gpuMetricsSupport1 = NULL;
        res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->QueryInterface(gpuMetricsSupport, IID_IADLXGPUMetricsSupport1(), &gpuMetricsSupport1);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            // Get GPU memory temperature range
            res = gpuMetricsSupport1->pVtbl->GetGPUMemoryTemperatureRange(gpuMetricsSupport1, &minValue, &maxValue);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU memory temperature range between %d%cC and %d%cC\\n", minValue, g_degree, maxValue, g_degree);
            else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
                printf("GPU memory temperature range not supported\\n");

            // Get NPU activity level range
            res = gpuMetricsSupport1->pVtbl->GetNPUActivityLevelRange(gpuMetricsSupport1, &minValue, &maxValue);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The NPU activity level range between %d%% and %d%%\\n", minValue, maxValue);
            else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
                printf("NPU activity level range not supported\\n");

            // Get NPU frequency range
            res = gpuMetricsSupport1->pVtbl->GetNPUFrequencyRange(gpuMetricsSupport1, &minValue, &maxValue);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The NPU frequency range between %dMHz and %dMHz\\n", minValue, maxValue);
            else if (res == ADLX_NOT_SUPPORTED )
                printf("NPU frequency range not supported\\n");

        if (gpuMetricsSupport1)
            gpuMetricsSupport1 = NULL;

    if (gpuMetricsSupport != NULL)
        gpuMetricsSupport = NULL;

// Display the system time stamp (in ms)
void GetTimeStamp(IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_int64 timeStamp = 0;
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->TimeStamp(gpuMetrics, &timeStamp);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("The GPU timp stamp is: %lldms\\n", timeStamp);

// Display GPU usage (in %)
void ShowGPUUsage(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display GPU usage support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUUsage(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU usage support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_double usage = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUUsage(gpuMetrics, &usage);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU usage is: %f%%\\n", usage);

// Display GPU clock speed (in MHz)
void ShowGPUClockSpeed(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display GPU clock speed support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUClockSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU clock speed support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_int systemClock = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUClockSpeed(gpuMetrics, &systemClock);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU system clock is: %dMHz\\n", systemClock);

// Display GPU VRAM clock speed (in MHz)
void ShowGPUVRAMClockSpeed(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display the GPU VRAM clock speed support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUVRAMClockSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU VRAM clock speed support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_int memoryClock = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUVRAMClockSpeed(gpuMetrics, &memoryClock);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU memory clock is: %dMHz\\n", memoryClock);

// Display GPU temperature(in °C)
void ShowGPUTemperature(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display the GPU temperature support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU temperature support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_double temperature = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUTemperature(gpuMetrics, &temperature);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU temperature is: %f%cC\\n", temperature, g_degree);

// Display GPU hotspot temperature(in °C)
void ShowGPUHotspotTemperature(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display GPU hotspot temperature support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUHotspotTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU hotspot temperature support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_double hotspotTemperature = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUHotspotTemperature(gpuMetrics, &hotspotTemperature);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU hotspot temperature is: %f%cC\\n", hotspotTemperature, g_degree);

// Display GPU power(in W)
void ShowGPUPower(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display GPU power support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUPower(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU power support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_double power = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUPower(gpuMetrics, &power);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU power is: %fW\\n", power);

// Display GPU total board power(in W)
void ShowGPUTotalBoardPower(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display GPU total board power support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUTotalBoardPower(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU total board power support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_double power = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUTotalBoardPower(gpuMetrics, &power);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU total board power is: %fW\\n", power);

// Display GPU temperature(in °C)
void ShowGPUIntakeTemperature (IADLXGPUMetricsSupport* gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics* gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display the GPU temperature support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUIntakeTemperature (gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED  (res))
        printf ("GPU intake temperature support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_double temperature = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUIntakeTemperature (gpuMetrics, &temperature);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED  (res))
                printf ("The GPU intake temperature is: %f%cC\\n", temperature, g_degree);

// Display GPU fan speed (in RPM)
void ShowGPUFanSpeed(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display GPU fan speed support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUFanSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU fan speed support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_int fanSpeed = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUFanSpeed(gpuMetrics, &fanSpeed);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU fan speed is: %dRPM\\n", fanSpeed);

// Display GPU VRAM (in MB)
void ShowGPUVRAM(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display GPU VRAM support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUVRAM(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU VRAM support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_int VRAM = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUVRAM(gpuMetrics, &VRAM);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU VRAM is: %dMB\\n", VRAM);

// Display GPU Voltage (in mV)
void ShowGPUVoltage(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport* gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics* gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;
    // Display GPU voltage support status
    ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUVoltage(gpuMetricsSupport, &supported);
    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
        printf("GPU voltage support status: %d\\n", supported);
        if (supported)
            adlx_int Voltage = 0;
            res = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->GPUVoltage(gpuMetrics, &Voltage);
            if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                printf("The GPU Voltage is: %dmV\\n", Voltage);

// Display GPU memory temperature(in °C)
void ShowGPUMemoryTemperature(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport* gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics* gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;

    IADLXGPUMetricsSupport1* gpuMetricsSupport1 = NULL;
    IADLXGPUMetrics1* gpuMetrics1 = NULL;
    ADLX_RESULT  supportRes = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->QueryInterface(gpuMetricsSupport, IID_IADLXGPUMetricsSupport1(), &gpuMetricsSupport1);
    ADLX_RESULT  metricsRes = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->QueryInterface(gpuMetrics, IID_IADLXGPUMetrics1(), &gpuMetrics1);

    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (supportRes) && ADLX_SUCCEEDED (metricsRes))
        // Display the GPU memory temperature support status
        ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport1->pVtbl->IsSupportedGPUMemoryTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport1, &supported);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("GPU memory temperature support status: %d\\n", supported);
            if (supported)
                adlx_double temperature = 0;
                res = gpuMetrics1->pVtbl->GPUMemoryTemperature(gpuMetrics1, &temperature);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    printf("The GPU memory temperature is: %f%cC\\n", temperature, g_degree);

    if (gpuMetricsSupport1)
        gpuMetricsSupport1 = NULL;

    if (gpuMetrics1)
        gpuMetrics1 = NULL;

// Display the NPU activity level(in %)
void ShowNPUActivityLevel(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport* gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics* gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;

    IADLXGPUMetricsSupport1* gpuMetricsSupport1 = NULL;
    IADLXGPUMetrics1* gpuMetrics1 = NULL;
    ADLX_RESULT  supportRes = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->QueryInterface(gpuMetricsSupport, IID_IADLXGPUMetricsSupport1(), &gpuMetricsSupport1);
    ADLX_RESULT  metricsRes = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->QueryInterface(gpuMetrics, IID_IADLXGPUMetrics1(), &gpuMetrics1);

    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (supportRes) && ADLX_SUCCEEDED (metricsRes))
        // Display the NPU activity level support status
        ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport1->pVtbl->IsSupportedNPUActivityLevel(gpuMetricsSupport1, &supported);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("NPU activity level support status: %d\\n", supported);
            if (supported)
                adlx_int level = 0;
                res = gpuMetrics1->pVtbl->NPUActivityLevel(gpuMetrics1, &level);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    printf("The NPU activity level is: %d%%\\n", level);

    if (gpuMetricsSupport1)
        gpuMetricsSupport1 = NULL;

    if (gpuMetrics1)
        gpuMetrics1 = NULL;

// Display the NPU frequency(in MHz)
void ShowNPUFrequency(IADLXGPUMetricsSupport* gpuMetricsSupport, IADLXGPUMetrics* gpuMetrics)
    adlx_bool supported = false;

    IADLXGPUMetricsSupport1* gpuMetricsSupport1 = NULL;
    IADLXGPUMetrics1* gpuMetrics1 = NULL;
    ADLX_RESULT  supportRes = gpuMetricsSupport->pVtbl->QueryInterface(gpuMetricsSupport, IID_IADLXGPUMetricsSupport1(), &gpuMetricsSupport1);
    ADLX_RESULT  metricsRes = gpuMetrics->pVtbl->QueryInterface(gpuMetrics, IID_IADLXGPUMetrics1(), &gpuMetrics1);

    if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (supportRes) && ADLX_SUCCEEDED (metricsRes))
        // Display the NPU frequency support status
        ADLX_RESULT  res = gpuMetricsSupport1->pVtbl->IsSupportedNPUFrequency(gpuMetricsSupport1, &supported);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            printf("NPU frequency support status: %d\\n", supported);
            if (supported)
                adlx_int frequency = 0;
                res = gpuMetrics1->pVtbl->NPUFrequency(gpuMetrics1, &frequency);
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    printf("The NPU frequency is: %dMHz\\n", frequency);

    if (gpuMetricsSupport1)
        gpuMetricsSupport1 = NULL;

    if (gpuMetrics1)
        gpuMetrics1 = NULL;

// Display current GPU metrics
void ShowCurrentGPUMetrics(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices *perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU *oneGPU)
    // Get GPU metrics support
    IADLXGPUMetricsSupport *gpuMetricsSupport = NULL;
    ADLX_RESULT  res1 = perfMonitoringServices->pVtbl->GetSupportedGPUMetrics(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU, &gpuMetricsSupport);

    // Accumulate and display current metrics for each of 10 loops
    IADLXGPUMetrics *gpuMetrics = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        // Clear screen
        // Get current GPU metrics
        ADLX_RESULT  res2 = perfMonitoringServices->pVtbl->GetCurrentGPUMetrics(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU, &gpuMetrics);

        // Display timestamp and GPU metrics
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res1) && ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res2))
            printf("The current GPU metrics: \\n");
            ShowGPUUsage(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUClockSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUVRAMClockSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUHotspotTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUPower(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUFanSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUVRAM(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUVoltage(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUTotalBoardPower(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUIntakeTemperature (gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowGPUMemoryTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowNPUActivityLevel(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
            ShowNPUFrequency(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);

        // Free
        if (gpuMetrics != NULL)
            gpuMetrics = NULL;

    // Free
    if (gpuMetricsSupport != NULL)
        gpuMetricsSupport = NULL;


void ShowCurrentGPUMetricsFromHistorical(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices* perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU* oneGPU)
    // Clear historical performance metrics data
    ADLX_RESULT  res = perfMonitoringServices->pVtbl->ClearPerformanceMetricsHistory(perfMonitoringServices);
    if (ADLX_FAILED (res))
        printf("Failed to clear historical data\\n");

    // Start tracking performance metrics
    res = perfMonitoringServices->pVtbl->StartPerformanceMetricsTracking(perfMonitoringServices);
    if (ADLX_FAILED (res))
        printf("Failed to start tracking performance metrics\\n");

    // Get GPU metrics support
    IADLXGPUMetricsSupport* gpuMetricsSupport = NULL;
    ADLX_RESULT  metricsSupportRet = perfMonitoringServices->pVtbl->GetSupportedGPUMetrics(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU, &gpuMetricsSupport);

    // Accumulate and display current metrics for each of 10 loops
    adlx_int startMs = 0;
    adlx_int stopMs = 0;
    for (int it = 0; it < 10; ++it)
        // Clear screen

        IADLXGPUMetricsList* gpuMetricsList = NULL;
        res = perfMonitoringServices->pVtbl->GetGPUMetricsHistory(perfMonitoringServices, oneGPU, startMs, stopMs, &gpuMetricsList);
        if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
            // Display all the GPU metrics in the list
            IADLXGPUMetrics* gpuMetrics = NULL;
            for (int i = gpuMetricsList->pVtbl->Begin(gpuMetricsList); i != gpuMetricsList->pVtbl->End(gpuMetricsList); ++i)
                res = gpuMetricsList->pVtbl->At_GPUMetricsList(gpuMetricsList, i, &gpuMetrics);
                // Display timestamp and GPU metrics
                if (ADLX_SUCCEEDED (metricsSupportRet) && ADLX_SUCCEEDED (res))
                    printf("The current GPU metrics: \\n");
                    ShowGPUUsage(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUClockSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUVRAMClockSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUHotspotTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUPower(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUFanSpeed(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUVRAM(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUVoltage(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUTotalBoardPower(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUIntakeTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowGPUMemoryTemperature(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowNPUActivityLevel(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);
                    ShowNPUFrequency(gpuMetricsSupport, gpuMetrics);

                // Release IADLXGPUMetrics interface
                if (gpuMetrics != NULL)
                    gpuMetrics = NULL;

        // Release IADLXGPUMetricsList interface
        if (gpuMetricsList != NULL)
            gpuMetricsList = NULL;


    // Release IADLXGPUMetricsSupport interface
    if (gpuMetricsSupport != NULL)
        gpuMetricsSupport = NULL;

    // Stop tracking performance metrics
    res = perfMonitoringServices->pVtbl->StopPerformanceMetricsTracking(perfMonitoringServices);
    if (ADLX_FAILED (res))
        printf("Failed to stop tracking performance metrics\\n");


// Display historical GPU Metrics
void ShowHistoricalGPUMetrics(IADLXPerformanceMonitoringServices *perfMonitoringServices, IADLXGPU *oneG