Demonstrates how to obtain the display custom resolution when programming with ADLX and perform related operations.
Command Prompts
Command Prompt | Description |
1 | Display custom resolution support. |
2 | Get custom resolution list. |
3 | Get current applied resolution. |
4 | Create new customized resolution. |
5 | Delete available resolution. |
M/m | Display the command prompt menu. |
Q/q | Terminate the application. |
Sample Path
// Copyright (c) 2021 - 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include "SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/Cpp/ADLXHelper.h"
#include "SDK/Include/IDisplaySettings.h"
#include "SDK/Include/IDisplays.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
// Use ADLX namespace
using namespace adlx;
// ADLXHelper instance
// No outstanding interfaces from ADLX must exist when ADLX is destroyed.
// Use global variables to ensure validity of the interface.
static ADLXHelper g_ADLXHelp;
// Display custom resolution support
void ShowCustomResolutionSupport(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution);
// Display available display resolutions
void GetResolutionList(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution, IADLXDisplayResolutionList** ppResolutionList);
// Display current display resolution
void GetCurrentResolution(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution, IADLXDisplayResolution** ppResolution);
// Create new customized display resolution
void CreateNewResolution(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution, IADLXDisplayResolutionPtr pResolution);
// Delete display resolution
void DeleteResolution(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution, IADLXDisplayResolutionPtr pResolution);
// Print out specified resolution
void PrintResolution(IADLXDisplayResolutionPtr pResolution);
// Print out specified resolution list
void PrintResolutions(IADLXDisplayResolutionListPtr pResolutionList);
// Main menu
void MainMenu();
// Menu action control
void MenuControl(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display);
// Wait for exit with error message
int WaitAndExit(const char* msg, const int retCode);
int main()
// Define return code
// Initialize ADLX
res = g_ADLXHelp.Initialize();
// Get display service
IADLXDisplayServicesPtr displayService;
res = g_ADLXHelp.GetSystemServices()->GetDisplaysServices(&displayService);
// Get display list
IADLXDisplayListPtr displayList;
res = displayService->GetDisplays(&displayList);
// Inspect for the first display in the list
adlx_uint it = 0;
IADLXDisplayPtr display;
res = displayList->At(it, &display);
// Display main menu options
// Get and parse the selection
MenuControl(displayService, display);
std::cout << "Failed to get the display list" << std::endl;
// Destroy ADLX
res = g_ADLXHelp.Terminate();
std::cout << "Destroy ADLX res: " << res << std::endl;
return WaitAndExit("Failed to get the Display Services", 0);
return WaitAndExit("ADLX initialization failed", 0);
// Destroy ADLX
res = g_ADLXHelp.Terminate();
std::cout << "Destroy ADLX result: " << res << std::endl;
// Pause to see the print out
return 0;
void ShowCustomResolutionSupport(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution)
std::cout << " === custom resolution supported ===" << std::endl;
adlx_bool supported = false;
ADLX_RESULT res = pCustomResolution->IsSupported(&supported);
std::cout << "\\tIsSupported result: " << res << ", supported: " << supported << std::endl;
void GetResolutionList(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution, IADLXDisplayResolutionList** ppResolutionList)
ADLX_RESULT res = pCustomResolution->GetResolutionList(ppResolutionList);
if (ADLX_FAILED (res))
std::cout << " GetResolutionList: failed" << std::endl;
void GetCurrentResolution(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution, IADLXDisplayResolution** ppResolution)
ADLX_RESULT res = pCustomResolution->GetCurrentAppliedResolution(ppResolution);
if (ADLX_FAILED (res))
std::cout << " GetCurrentAppliedResolution: failed" << std::endl;
void CreateNewResolution(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution, IADLXDisplayResolutionPtr pResolution)
ADLX_RESULT res = pCustomResolution->CreateNewResolution(pResolution);
if (ADLX_FAILED (res))
std::cout << " CreateNewResolution: failed." << std::endl;
void DeleteResolution(IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution, IADLXDisplayResolutionPtr pResolution)
ADLX_RESULT res = pCustomResolution->DeleteResolution(pResolution);
if (ADLX_FAILED (res))
std::cout << " DeleteResolution: failed." << std::endl;
void PrintResolution(IADLXDisplayResolutionPtr pResolution)
ADLX_CustomResolution cr;
std::string sPresention = (cr.presentation == ADLX_DISPLAY_SCAN_TYPE::INTERLACED ) ? "Interlaced" : "Progressive";
std::string sTimingStandard = "Manual";
std::string sHPolarity = (cr.detailedTiming .hPolarity == ADLX_DISPLAY_TIMING_POLARITY::POSITIVE ) ? "Positive" : "Negative";
std::string sVPolarity = (cr.detailedTiming .vPolarity == ADLX_DISPLAY_TIMING_POLARITY::POSITIVE ) ? "Positive" : "Negative";
const std::unordered_map<ADLX_TIMING_STANDARD, std::string> timingStandardMap =
{MANUAL , "Manual"}, {DMT , "DMT"}, {GTF , "GTF"}, {CVT_RB , "CVT - Reduced Blanking"}, {CVT , "CVT"}};
sTimingStandard = timingStandardMap.at(cr.timingStandard );
} catch (...)
std::cout << " Timing standard out of range!" << std::endl;
char buff[1024] = {0};
int offset = std::snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "\\n resolution (Px)\\t\\t%d x %d\\n", cr.resWidth , cr.resHeight );
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Refresh Rate (Hz)\\t\\t%d\\n", cr.refreshRate );
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Presentation\\t\\t\\t%s\\n", sPresention.c_str());
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Timing Standard\\t\\t%s\\n", sTimingStandard.c_str());
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " G.Pixel Clock (kHz)\\t\\t%d\\n", cr.GPixelClock );
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Timing Info\\t\\t\\tHorizontal\\tVertical\\n");
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Timing Total\\t\\t\\t%d\\t%d\\n", cr.detailedTiming .hTotal , cr.detailedTiming .vTotal );
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Timing Display\\t\\t%d\\t%d\\n", cr.detailedTiming .hDisplay , cr.detailedTiming .vDisplay );
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Timing Front Porch\\t\\t%d\\t%d\\n", cr.detailedTiming .hFrontPorch , cr.detailedTiming .vFrontPorch );
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Timing Sync Width\\t\\t%d\\t%d\\n", cr.detailedTiming .hSyncWidth , cr.detailedTiming .vSyncWidth );
offset += std::snprintf(buff + offset, sizeof(buff) - offset, " Timing Polarity\\t\\t%s %s\\n", sHPolarity.c_str(), sVPolarity.c_str());
std::cout << buff << std::endl;
void PrintResolutions(IADLXDisplayResolutionListPtr pResolutionList)
std::cout << " Print out resolution list ==" << std::endl;
if (pResolutionList == nullptr)
std::cout << " resolution list is null" << std::endl;
if (pResolutionList->Size() == 0)
std::cout << " resolution list is empty!" << std::endl;
for (adlx_uint crt = 0; crt < pResolutionList->Size(); crt++)
IADLXDisplayResolutionPtr pDispResolution = nullptr;
res = pResolutionList->At(crt, &pDispResolution);
std::cout << " resolution index: " << crt << std::endl;
void MainMenu()
std::cout << "\\tChoose from the following options" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\\t->Press 1 to display custom Resolution support" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\\t->Press 2 to get custom Resolution list" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\\t->Press 3 to get current applied Resolution" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\\t->Press 4 to create new customized Resolution" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\\t->Press 5 to delete avaible Resolution" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\\t->Press Q/q terminate the application" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\\t->Press M/m to display the command prompt menu" << std::endl;
// Menu action control
void MenuControl(const IADLXDisplayServicesPtr& displayService, const IADLXDisplayPtr& display)
IADLXDisplayCustomResolutionPtr pCustomResolution;
displayService->GetCustomResolution(display, &pCustomResolution);
if (!pCustomResolution)
std::cout << "Menu control: cannot retrive custom resolution instance!" << std::endl;
int num = 0;
while ((num = getchar()) != 'q' && num != 'Q')
switch (num)
// Display custom resolution support
case '1':
// Get current resolution
case '2':
std::cout << " === Get resolution list: ===" << std::endl;
IADLXDisplayResolutionListPtr pResolutionList;
GetResolutionList(pCustomResolution, &pResolutionList);
// Get current applied resolution
case '3':
std::cout << " === Get current resolution: ===" << std::endl;
IADLXDisplayResolutionPtr pDisplayResolution;
GetCurrentResolution(pCustomResolution, &pDisplayResolution);
// Create new customized resolution
case '4':