Initializing ADLX with the ADLX Helpers

It is recommended to load and initialize ADLX with ADLX Helper code. The ADLX Helper code has native support for C and C++. When programming in C#, Java, or Python, use the ADLX Helper code from the binding wrapper in the selected language to access ADLX.

To use ADLX in a C++ application

To access ADLX functionality from a C++ based application,

  1. Start a new C++ application.

  2. In the application, include the following files:

    a. /SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/Cpp/ADLXHelper.h

    b. /SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/Cpp/ADLXHelper.cpp

    c. /SDK/Platform/Windows/WinAPIs.cpp

  3. Create an instance of the ADLXHelper class.

  4. Call the Initialize method in the Helper object.

  5. Call the GetSystemServices method in the Helper object.

    Result: Access to the IADLXSystem interface is provided.

    Note: You can access the required ADLX functionality from the IADLXSystem interface.

  6. Call Terminate in the Helper object.

    Result: Resources utilized by ADLX are released, and the ADLX library is unloaded.

For more information, see C++ samples .

To use ADLX in a C application

To access ADLX functionality from a C based application,

  1. Start a new C application.

  2. In the application, include the following files:

    a. /SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/C/ADLXHelper.h

    b. /SDK/ADLXHelper/Windows/C/ADLXHelper.c

    c. /SDK/Platform/Windows/WinAPIs.c

  3. Call the ADLXHelper_Initialize function that is declared in the ADLXHelper.h file.

  4. Call the ADLXHelper_GetSystemServices function.

    Result: Access to the IADLXSystem interface is provided.

    Note: You can access the required ADLX functionality from the IADLXSystem interface.

  5. Call ADLXHelper_Terminate in the helper object to release the resources utilized by ADLX.

    Result: The ADLX library is unloaded.

For more information, see C samples .

To initialize ADLX in a C# application

Follow these steps to initialize ADLX in a C# application.

  1. Start a new C# application.

  2. Import all the *.cs files from the ADLX binding wrapper for C#.

  3. Create an instance of the ADLXHelper class.

  4. Call the Initialize method in the Helper object.

  5. Call the GetSystemServices method in the Helper object.

    Result: The IADLXSystem interface is accessible.

    Note: The IADLXSystem interface provides access to ADLX functionality.

  6. Call Terminate in the Helper object.

    Result: Resources utilized by ADLX are released, and the ADLX library is unloaded.

For more information, see C# samples

To initialize ADLX in a Java application

Follow these steps to initialize ADLX in a Java application.

  1. Start a new Java application.

  2. Import all the Java files from the ADLX binding wrapper for Java.

  3. Create an instance of the ADLXHelper class.

  4. Call the Initialize method in the Helper object.

  5. Call the GetSystemServices method in the Helper object.

    Result: The IADLXSystem interface is accessible.

    Note: The IADLXSystem interface provides access to ADLX functionality.

  6. Call Terminate in the Helper object.

    Result: Resources utilized by ADLX are released, and the ADLX library is unloaded.

For more information, see Java samples .

To initialize ADLX in a Python application

Follow these steps to initialize ADLX in a Python application.

  1. Start a new Python application.

  2. Import the ADLXPybind.pyd package from the ADLX binding wrapper for Python.

  3. Create an instance of the ADLXHelper class.

  4. Call the Initialize method in the Helper object.

  5. Call the GetSystemServices method in the Helper object.

    Result: The IADLXSystem interface is accessible.

    Note: The IADLXSystem interface provides access to ADLX functionality.

  6. Call Terminate in the Helper object.

    Result: Resources utilized by ADLX are released, and the ADLX library is unloaded.

For more information, see Python samples .